Film Making

22 May 2011
All over the place
I suppose this should go here :p

Ok, so I'm going to make a short film, but we have a very strict budget and not exactly excellent equipment.

How would I go about getting a sponsor for this? Should I be looking to get a sponsor at all?

Would a local cinema screen it if they liked it?

How could I spread the word and get people talking about it? :D
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Hmm, okay, thanks. Do you know where abouts I could find out about film festivals. Google doesn't show any in my area :(

Would it be a good idea to put it on YouTube?
Wow, thanks RaV!

I know quite a few people, that know thousands of people, haha!

Did you have links to the reenactment group, or did they just give you the stuff?

The equipment we have:

- Half decent camera


That's it :D
Well we've never done anything before, so I'll just have to hope that they are friendly and enthusiastic! :D

A Canon 7D is £700! Mine was £80! HAHAHA :D

I'm going to be directing and editing the film. I'm still not decided whether or not I'm am going to be in it, it depends on whether or not I can find anyone to play the role.

I've emailed two local fancy dress shops asking what deals they can cut us. My next mission is to search for drama/film clubs! :)
I think I know someone ;)

I've just emailed a local film making club asking if they would like to get involved and hopefully they could lend us a camera for nothing - unlikely though! :rolleyes:

Also, about film festivals, do you know where I could find out more information?
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Haha, I've made a couple of 2 or 3 minute long clips before, but never done anything this big and none of them show my current skill.

I guess sponsorship is a long way off!
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