Films that you are scared of..?

The only thing I can think of which actually truley has scared me is probably that cannibal film they tried to ban

Maybe that bit in Saw II where she's thrown into the pit of needles...

Actually, yeah, I really didn't like that bit
riddlermarc said:
You're probably right, that series does ring a bell.. I have looked into ordering it but was worried it wouldn't be as good as I remember it, does it look a bit cheesy this many years down the line?
I would guess it’ll have less of an affect on you now. ;)

It’s well worth buying though, as it’s still very atmospheric. I’ve just put it on my iPod for when the girlfriend and I go camping soon. :D
da_mic_1530 said:
thought i would be the only one to say jurrasic park, but no , a lot of people have, them blooming raptors, i thought they were coming to get me every night as a kid for weeks lol

Yup for me too.

The raptors were nothing compared to the T-rex

It didnt help that I was about 8 and all that night there were gunshot blasts at regular intervals that sounded like the T-rex coming to get me. I ended up sleeping in the hall becase there was no way I was staying near a window! :o

The only thing that has made me uncomfortable remotly recently is "The Ring" mainly due to her climbing through the TV, I watched it in the cinema and was quite glad the tv in my room was behind my wardrobe door that night. :p
This is odd. See I was never scared of any film. But the war of the worlds by jeff wayne literally made me cry as a kid, no joke! That opening track still gets me now...
Superdude said:
The Truman Show

I was looking behind mirrors for months

Same here I was really paranoid after that film.

Watched the first Exorsist when I was 10. That was scary but now (17 now) its just laughable
i watched aliens when i was about 8 and that scared the bejesus outta me, was scared of face huggers getting me in my sleep! was very very glad that my parents had stopped my Granddad showing it to me when i was 6 "its just a sci-fi film, he likes starwars doesn't he...." :rolleyes:

recently i found the decent really quiet scarey, didn't know anything about it when i saw it and the begining bits made me jump something cronic, then the bits with the night vision camera *shudders*
The Alien and Terminator movies used to scare me. So did Scream when it was first out, I had to get my mum to check under my bed for weeks :( (I was only 9 or something) I find Saw quite scary and the Blair Witch Project freaked me out a lot but my bf did tell me it really all happened.
Belmit said:
Same here. The bit you mention, the bit where he's getting shot up at the beginning, and the bit where the guy gets gunned down in the board room were all a bit much when I saw it aged 9. :(
Exactly the same for me, the same scenes also, and i was probably about the same age, maybe a bit younger. Only time ive ever felt a bit bad after watching a film though.
Signs...... watched it when i was about 14 with two friends, the screen we were in at the cinema was completely empty apart from us. My god it was scary :eek: ended up with pop corn buckets over our heads LMAO!

The Alien films were the scariest though, probably because i watched them when i was very young.
ElvisFan said:
Salem's Lot is the scariest film ever.

The floating kid scratching at the window is responsible for my phobia of uncurtained windows at night.

And the main vampire (Mr Barlow) had the scariest face of any film baddie.

The only other film that terrifies me is "Threads", but only when I start to think too much about the aftermath.

Agree on both. Salem's Lot I remember watching at about 11. One if not the best King adaptation imo.

Blair Witch also did it for me, i know some people just didnt get it.
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