If you could ever claim the time back for some films you hae watched which would they be. I mean the Blockbusters or much hyped movies that were real howlers. Bad acting, Bad scripting and an even worse story line.
I'll get the ball rolling and My nominations in no particular order would be
Independence DayTake a good concept, add Will Smith and some cheeky one liners and expect a blockbuster. 4/10
The CoreThere has been some very good disaster movies and some very bad disaster movies. Alas The Core falls at the bottom of the list in the latter column. It takes all of the very bad bits from Deep Impact, Armageddon and all the 70's Doug Mcclure films and made it bad 3/10
Little Nicky It wasn't funny, it wasn't witty it was a big steaming turd with the very best bits in the 30 second trailer. Baby Jesus shes a tear when he watched this film 0/10
HostelAnother film which storyline had plenty of potential. Now add as much blood as possible and really dumb it down to its lowest common denominator and insult the intelligence of the audience. Pants 0/10
I'll get the ball rolling and My nominations in no particular order would be
Independence DayTake a good concept, add Will Smith and some cheeky one liners and expect a blockbuster. 4/10
The CoreThere has been some very good disaster movies and some very bad disaster movies. Alas The Core falls at the bottom of the list in the latter column. It takes all of the very bad bits from Deep Impact, Armageddon and all the 70's Doug Mcclure films and made it bad 3/10
Little Nicky It wasn't funny, it wasn't witty it was a big steaming turd with the very best bits in the 30 second trailer. Baby Jesus shes a tear when he watched this film 0/10
HostelAnother film which storyline had plenty of potential. Now add as much blood as possible and really dumb it down to its lowest common denominator and insult the intelligence of the audience. Pants 0/10