Final Fantasy 13 Not a PS3 Exclusive yet

28 Jan 2007
Vice president of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and president of SCE France, Georges Fornay, is quoted making the following statement:

The development cost of games have exploded, it becomes difficult to have exclusiveness, except our own games. But we will have as of launching 30 games, including Motorstorm, Resistance or Virtua Fighter. Moreover, we await 200 games from here the end of 2007. Lastly, for Final Fantasy XIII, I can say to you that exclusiveness is under discussion."

More on this Here

Will be interesting so see if sony can keep this exclusive or not

Time will tell..
ic1male said:
200?! Games? That is a fair few to have by the end of the year.

Yeah unless he is including back catalogue games in that or not i duno, but 200 PS3 games by the end of the year does seem a lot and i cant really believe that part.
Either thats an outright lie, or they're including xbox live arcade style games on their online home system... Any maybe including juggling as a game you can play with the controllers.
Darkaber said:
Yeah unless he is including back catalogue games in that or not i duno, but 200 PS3 games by the end of the year does seem a lot and i cant really believe that part.

200 isn't that many, there are more than 200 developers out there making games, now whether it will be 200 per region thats another matter, the japanese get many games we don't......
And conversely, I would guess that Microsoft and Nintendo are willing to pay a lot of money to ensure that it isn't an exclusive as that would leave Sony with hardly any decent exclusives left
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Well Nintendo would have nothing to gain from it. Whether it's multiplatform or not, it's safe to say FF13 itself won't appear on the Wii (although it's possible some of the spin off titles might).
There will be a FF game for the 360 but if its FF13 im not so sure. I think the problem for the 360 is the media, I expect FF13 to be huge and getting it on 1 DVD9 wont be an option, think blue dragon is on 3 DVDs judging by how much FMV etc they like to add i wouldnt like to guess how many DVD9s it would be. Cant think square would want to cut things out, FF7 was on 3 CDs, but games are less linear now and i for one wouldnt want to keep changing disks every hour or so.
msmalls74 said:
There will be a FF game for the 360 but if its FF13 im not so sure. I think the problem for the 360 is the media, I expect FF13 to be huge and getting it on 1 DVD9 wont be an option, think blue dragon is on 3 DVDs judging by how much FMV etc they like to add i wouldnt like to guess how many DVD9s it would be. Cant think square would want to cut things out, FF7 was on 3 CDs, but games are less linear now and i for one wouldnt want to keep changing disks every hour or so.
FF7 was on 3 discs purely because of FMV. Apart from that every disc contained the entire game data. If FFXIII were on multiple discs, it would likely be the same, so it wouldn't matter how linear the game was because very few FMV sequences would be played more than once in the game.
Psyk said:
FF7 was on 3 discs purely because of FMV. Apart from that every disc contained the entire game data. If FFXIII were on multiple discs, it would likely be the same, so it wouldn't matter how linear the game was because very few FMV sequences would be played more than once in the game.

Yeah true, but surely for a developer it would be easier and cheaper just to say you got X amount of storage space for a game instead of well you gotta put that on one disc that on another duplicate that etc. The other advantage i guess is they know they can use the PS3 hard drive to cache stuff to ala RFOM and oblivion. Guess we'll all have to wait and see, I'd think i would feel dirty playing it on anything but a playstation though :D
I know but only FF1,4 and 6 for nintendo was released in US (not sure about UK). These ones and others were released in a couple of collections for the original PS, and now i believe the PSP. So just about all the main ones have been on a Sony machine. Also didnt Sony bail out square (by buying part of them ) when they had financial problems, prior to the square enix merger.
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