Final Year Dissertation / Project *Pics*

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15 Oct 2007
So it is that time again, when final year projects are due in, I have just printed mine off and cost me nearly £45.00 quid to print and bind, dam university prices :mad:. Would have been cheaper if I bought my own printer, anyway here is mine.



What’s your project title: Password Authentication featuring Biometrics
Pages: 296
Word Count: 44552
How did it go? Printed early, hoping for a first but dependent how well my coded proto-type holds up in presentation
Mine is due in on the 22nd April... feel's like all i've been doing for the past 6 weeks :p

Totally everything up I reckon I have around 50k to cut down to 18 - 20k. Some very selective editing and appendix usage should do the trick!
Well I dont have a piece of work as such, but I just finished my med school finals exams. 2 2.5hr written papers and a 4hr practical exam. Getting my results tomorrow :S. The nerves are starting to kick in :).

44000 words though, thats quite epic.

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Meh, it's only 5k.
That's not a dissertation then!

Finished mine in August - on the legal issues surrounding internet piracy - basically pointing out that all the research shows it increases sales and that there's no proper way to stop it without messing everything else up. Seems a looong time ago that I wrote it now (15k words). I flick through it every now and then.
Not done yet, Got 7k Written up, and need to write about 9k more, but the hold up is in the creation of the artefact, I am about half done but its gonna be about 2 weeks before I finish yet.

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