Finally...a shot of venom from Spiderman 3...

18 Oct 2006
Just a shame it looks like something from Doom...well, from what ya can tell with the blink and you'll literally miss it shot!

For those who've been eagerly awaiting what he'll look like, here's the trailer...

For the record, i'm hoping this will be the "good" spiderman movie everyone has been waiting for, 1 was ok, 2 was pants...fingers x'd for this :D
Woody__ said:
Is it this, per chance?


That makes it look a LOT better [geek] very true to the comics as well [/geek] :D
Been doing a little digging and there are a lot of hints that Venom will be a major baddie in this movie, not just a cameo as has been put forward by Raimi for quite some time...check out the trailer again, the spiderman comic book lot will notice quite a few things that hint to Venom being a major villain!
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