Finding a new gym

23 Feb 2004
I've started swimming regularly at an Edinburgh Leisure pool and was considering using their gym too when I realised I'd be spending more than a private gym membership each month at a council facility. I'd like to join a private gym again but I don't know where to find one that is a reasonable distance from home.

I've used Virgin Active and Greens in the past. I loved the atmosphere of Virgin but it can take 30+ mins to get there depending on traffic. Greens is much closer but it felt rather "cold" and the pool was always full of grumpy old people.

Can anyone point me in the right direction to find a gym that will suit me?

Thanks :).
I dont suppose you are anywhere near David Lloyds are you? Always loved their gyms and pools, but they can be a tad expensive.
I guess it depends where in Edinburgh you are, there's a Fitness First attached to the Hilton at the bottom of Lothian Road which is fairly well kitted out - not much in the way of free weights from what I recall but I don't imagine that's a prime concern to you (I may be wrong of course). Not sure on the costs though and how they compare, when I used to use it the membership was partially subsidised by my work at the time.
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