First game ever played you were impressed with?

11 Jun 2003
Sheffield, UK
Just an interesting one to judge the age of some folks by ;)

What's the first game you played (on what platform) that impressed you.

Mine was the original Lemmings on an Amiga 500 :D i'm sure there's plenty older here but that's pretty oldskool.
Two at about the same time:
1) M.U.L.E. with a depth I'd not come across before (also the first game for my very first and brand new Commodore 1541 disk drive).
2) Paul Woakes 'Encounter', the very first 3D FPS I'd ever seen, also on the C-64
Treasure Island.

It came bundled with my Spectrum +2 and after you got to the island I thought it was a brilliant game.

Here's a video of some Scottish guy (not me) trying to get past the first bit before the Island :
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lots of games amazed me when I was younger but the first that really made me go wow was Prince of Persia on the amiga.

After inserting a whopping half a meg upgrade the animations in POP were jaw dropping.
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