First Hour of Metroid Prime 3

From what I've seen, it looks a lot more open-ended and less isolated than the first two games. Docking in a space station, followed by marines that talk to you, on where to go and etc, it's pretty decent stuff.
Sounding great!

MP1 and 2 were brilliant games with a fantastic art direction (far more important that technical graphical prowess and something missing from too many games at the moment). I hope it doesn't deviate too much from those 2 and I really want online multiplayer :(
Spot on Kreeeee, Art Direction is something that is lost all too often. It's why games like Gears of War, Ico and such were so highly regarded.
NokkonWud said:
Spot on Kreeeee, Art Direction is something that is lost all too often. It's why games like Gears of War, Ico and such were so highly regarded.
Gears of War has the right idea. We shouldn't aim for ultra realism (what an idiotic term :( ) because the closer we get the more the little inaccuracies jump out at us. GoW had a larger than life style that worked wonderfully and meant that the small faults didn't stand out so much. I think it also helps a lot to give developers more freedom for expressing their imagination if we don't aim for realism.
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