"To let" advertisements that specify a particular race or religion are visible in newsagents windows in many areas of London. But are they breaking the law?
I was a bit surprised when I saw this but it got me thinking. Part of me thinks that if I was sharing my home with a flatmate I would like to have as much in common with them as possible. But on the other hand, an advert would cause outrage if the criteria was "white English only".
Surely this also feeds into the debate of how ethnicities like to stick together e.g. African or Chinese area's of certain towns/cities. I thought it was all about integration nowadays and so living seperate lives doesn't exactly promote this. To me, being simplistic, this racial segrigation seems a bit like voluntary apartheid!
"To let" advertisements that specify a particular race or religion are visible in newsagents windows in many areas of London. But are they breaking the law?
I was a bit surprised when I saw this but it got me thinking. Part of me thinks that if I was sharing my home with a flatmate I would like to have as much in common with them as possible. But on the other hand, an advert would cause outrage if the criteria was "white English only".
Surely this also feeds into the debate of how ethnicities like to stick together e.g. African or Chinese area's of certain towns/cities. I thought it was all about integration nowadays and so living seperate lives doesn't exactly promote this. To me, being simplistic, this racial segrigation seems a bit like voluntary apartheid!