Flat earth brigade - I have no words

19 May 2004
I don't pay much attention usually to gofundme's and such like crowd funding but I would be sorely tempted to put some coin in to pay to put a couple of these nut jobs into the mig someone linked to earlier......just to see how they bs their way out of it.....if they still didn't accept the earth was round i'd suggest another flight and eject them at the planes highest point.
I'll be a round earth skeptic if you fund me
Man of Honour
5 Dec 2003
Just to the left of my PC
Its interesting stuff. :) I've just been reading about some of the scrolls they have found and how so many have been so destroyed in the pursuit of trying to read them as they are so fragile and old. Its such a double edged sword, all that exciting information and not being able to easily get to it. (The scrolls i was reading about were from Herculaneum but from the sounds of things from a large upper class residence rather than a library.)

Same building. Given the size of the collection of writing, I think "library" is appropriate. I suppose it's technically a study, but I think of it as a private library.

There's even more to it than the scrolls you were reading about, though. Only part of the residence has been uncovered. It appears that there's a lot of it still buried. It was common in those days for the lower floors to be the higher status floors, so it has been suggested that the library discovered so far, the source of the scrolls you were reading about, is a secondary library and not the main private library of the residence.

I understand the position of the Italian government. The parts still buried are being preserved far more effectively than could be done if they were excavated. Preserving the parts already excavated is a huge job that's been done extremely badly in the past and is a major challenge even today and a major expense. I think they're right to refuse permission for further excavation, that doing so is the course of least harm. There's also the issue of there being a modern town in the same location, which would be a problem for any further excavation. But...what's in the buried parts? If there is a higher status library further down, with rarer works, it would almost certainly contain writing lost since antiquity. There's a lot of writing that we know has been lost (because references to it remain) and no doubt there's a lot more that has been lost entirely without even a reference to it remaining. But I think they're right to refuse permission at least until the scrolls are readable. There has been experiments with non-invasive scanning techniques that have had some success on a small scale. More information about the scrolls has been discovered without damaging them and the results indicate that it might be possible to (very slowly and very expensively) read the scrolls without damaging them. But even after that...how do you preserve a huge ancient building once it's been exposed to the elements and plants and animals? Would it still be better to leave it buried until perhaps in the future better preservation is possible? A difficult decision.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
I've had an answer off a Flat Earther, I want to kill myself -

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Jesus H Tapdancing Christ.

He's right though. It's not a simple one sentence answer. It's not really an answer at all. If anything, it's kinda like how trump would be on a substantial quantity of cocaine.
22 Feb 2014
I would like to just ask a question here.
Given that we know
1 - the earth is in fact round
2 - up until now no flat-earther has ever given a straight answer

we can summarise that the earth is definitely round and that is why scientifically this can be proven.

so my question, why the hell do you keep pushing these flat-earthers for an answer you know doesn't exist?
You are essentially asking the impossible and getting frustrated when they fail to produce it.

If you just need to get your fill of nonsense for the day I recommend Tom Cruise's Scientology speech that was leaked some years ago.
27 Dec 2005
Surely have to be pro trolls. It'll come out in a freedom of information request in 50 years, I'm calling it. It's like modern day crop circles.

Who writes like that guy on Facebook anyway, with multiple periods instead of any actual punctuation.

If it was a single thread it'd be 'obvious troll is obvious', but it's just on a grander scale. Hell, we're talking about it right now and they were on TV so good on them.
18 Oct 2004
I like it when flat earthers claim that the fact that the horizon is flat in all directions when viewed from a plane, or footage from high altitude, proves that the world is flat. Seemingly oblivious to the fact that it actually proves the opposite - counter intuitively, the only way that the horizon would appear curved is if the world was a flat disc :p
6 Jan 2013
I like it when flat earthers claim that the fact that the horizon is flat in all directions when viewed from a plane, or footage from high altitude, proves that the world is flat. Seemingly oblivious to the fact that it actually proves the opposite - counter intuitively, the only way that the horizon would appear curved is if the world was a flat disc :p

Exactly. They say the absence of the curve at altitude is proof against, but just try asking them why we don't see the edge at altitude. :p
2 Aug 2012
"Flat Earthers" are only a small subset of a much more widespread phenomena.

Crazy/Delusional is the new normal.

I see Mad people, everywhere. :confused:

People who 40 years ago would have been kept in asylums now not only roam free, but are actively encouraged and given legal protection and state funding to pursue their delusions.

How long will it be I wonder before criticizing "Flat Earthers" will be considered a "Religious Hate Crime"

Shutting the mental hospitals really was one of Thatchers bigger mistakes...:/
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