Flight Plan

17 Feb 2003
I'm watching Flight Plan on Sky at the moment & Jodie Foster is just annoying me. The plot seems weak and I was wondering if it gets any better?
Sorry to hark on guys - but just finished watching this & if your local rental store stocks this - burn it down!

This is one of the worst films I've seen in years.

Awful, just plain awful.....

I dare you to say you liked it!
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secretspy said:
i've watched it before and thought it was quite good but everyone has different opinions
I used to think the Bad Boy's films were the worst ever, but this took the biscuit - plot holes, racism - it had them all in abundance.

I cannot believe anyone could like this trash.
It's the first film that I've fallen asleep to in the cinema :p

Not even the legend that is Sean Bean can save it.

Ps: Isn't Sean Bean a perfect example of how the English language is flawed?!
Chojin said:
Flight Plan felt like a really average 1990's TV movie..

yeah, just like panic room

jodie foster having over the top problems, always involving her children, lol
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