Floating idea - Lan Party - November - In Private Hotel - Wales

There'll be Guitar Hero action? Boy oh boy! All the more reason why I should go...

Damn transport, it's gonna cost too much to take a train up :(
I'll talk to the boss and then the accountant, then the grandparents.

If I get 3 green lights then I can bring 2 360's, 3 controllers (one wired) 1 plug and play charge kit, 1 quick charge kit, several headsets, 2 wired routers, 1 wireless router, a few 2-3m network cables, a 20" TFT monitor, a mini hifi (as speakers) and a whole load of ownage

Edit 1:
And we would be coming through Bristol, so we could even bring Kreeeee and what ever junk he has if it will fit in the car.
Edit 2:

The boss said she will think about it and if we do go and if Kreeeee wants a lift from us then he will have to do some serious sucking up to Miss K and send her flowers for her birthday. That last sentence had way too many ands in it.

I'd owe you big time mate!

Naturally petrol money and a few beers would be chucked in your general direction :)
where from? trains from london and the south are about 15 each way if booked now-ish

I presumed you mean each way as in Single? Where did you find that deal because at standard price to Aberystwyth, it's a bomb.

Return ticket cost more tham the weekend at your hotel... abit of a joke tbh.

He loves it though.

Why do I get the image that Kreeeee will playing Beer Wrestling with innocent guys... (think girls and oil wrestling)
I just did mine from cambridge to cardiff central with decent times and it was £49 return for me. Which to be fair with fuel costs to do 400 miles it aint to shabby. How far then is the train station Ultra to the hotel?

I start a new job the 2nd week in november and just need them to tell me my shift dates, if they fall right I'd probably take that train journey.
Decent boss says yes on hols :D (assuming I get my thumb out my backside and do the paperwork :)

As soon as this is deffo on I'll confirm as well. Foo Fighters will tour again I'm sure :)

FYI I'm not that much of a drinker.... :p
I really hope so danny, would love to see you there :).
And then I can point out the many reasons why Liverpool won't be runaway leaders and how we're still right behind them despite your doom-mongering :p.
Decent boss says yes on hols :D (assuming I get my thumb out my backside and do the paperwork :)

As soon as this is deffo on I'll confirm as well. Foo Fighters will tour again I'm sure :)
lol m8 its kinda hard to MAKE it deffo on if everyone keeps waiting and not confirming. With your confirmation and assuming you can bring one of our scottish compadres that pretty much seals the numbers.

FYI I'm not that much of a drinker.... :p
Hope your lying....if not we can change that real good.
so far these are the peeps who have been pretty adamant they are gonna come

J(with missus?)
Paul TSG
Pulse + 4 mates apparently
Justin Wilkin +1
Dr Jones
SMC shaw

Now thats enough to run the show and have a blast easy. If your literally ready to come to this and your names not above then post now! As for those on the list where possible give me paypal deposits asap ([email protected]) or give me an indication of when (like J who's paying end of the month) so that i have some idea you are serious.

Sorry to keep on guys but you know how these things are, in a months time everyones gran has died, car is in for MOT and god himself has flooded the wales/england border (we i'll say god but we'll all know it was either the welsh nationalists or Kreeee :))
Also i need you all to come to some decision on room sharing as there arent enough rooms for those listed already even assuming that Pulse has a 3 room and a twin for his lot. Im sure most of you intended to double up into twins anyway, they are plenty spacious and what not :)
Sorry to keep on guys but you know how these things are, in a months time everyones gran has died, car is in for MOT and god himself has flooded the wales/england border (we i'll say god but we'll all know it was either the welsh nationalists or Kreeee :))

Who told you about that...
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