Must admit, I was rather shocked to see todays price of £104, when a day or 2 ago, it was £92!!!...
Surely it would be more beneficial to have a constant average, with less fluctuation? as people seeing todays price will just buy elsewehere!
Ok, I know the £92 was perhaps the cheapest in the UK at the time, but you can easily bag this ssd for <£100 from many other places.. so why not just sit in the middle? I understand you wiill shift more units at the lower price, but then surely you would shift less when your price above your competitors...
Surely it would be more beneficial to have a constant average, with less fluctuation? as people seeing todays price will just buy elsewehere!
Ok, I know the £92 was perhaps the cheapest in the UK at the time, but you can easily bag this ssd for <£100 from many other places.. so why not just sit in the middle? I understand you wiill shift more units at the lower price, but then surely you would shift less when your price above your competitors...