Folding......and not your trousers

29 Jan 2007
I have heard of this folding lark for some time now.

Apparently you do the hard slog for Stanford university who use your pc to try and fine cures.

Here is the deal. What if it is YOUR pc that processes that final strand that cures cancer, aids, or what ever.

Are you in line for Royalties etc? Or is it just for Stanford university.

I know it sounds mercenary, but im interested. :o
Toyota_Mr2 said:
What if it is YOUR pc that processes that final strand that cures cancer, aids, or what ever.

Are you in line for Royalties etc? Or is it just for Stanford university.

I know it sounds mercenary, but im interested. :o
You're merely providing the equipment... maybe if you wrote the program you'd get a bit more credit ;) But tbh, you won't get any credit just because it so happened that your PC did the last tiny bit of processing to find the cure :p
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