Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 14th October 2005

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 14th October 2005

Current Team Position - 62nd
Current Team Score - 6,934,136
Crunched This Week - 273,510

Next on the stomping horizon :cool:

60 - 13 days
59 Team - 12 days

Teams stomped this week :D

63 Poland, so that's twice in one week ;)

Ones to keep an eye on :eek: - 1.6 years
Team Hack-A-Day - 4.4 years

This Week's Top Dumpers

Sammael(OcUK) - 72896
DarkendViper - 26345
sculptor(OcUK) - 25258
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 24198
hornytoe - 9912
KE1HA - 7877
_Berserker_ - 6702
froggy - 5904
polandro - 5778
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 5672
kinnison - 5647
ShaunBrewer - 5448
Walter_Anderson - 5391
Ken - 4947
rich99million - 3996
KillBait - 2987
Bigstan - 2979
Kyzia - 2741
duggyruss - 2733
Haly - 2595
Staffy - 2501
Prescott28 - 2273
nicholas_yiu - 2150
aXeR - 2135
happytechie - 2129
Mattus - 1882
Trick - 1781
beatvar - 1777
sr4470 - 1693
diogenese - 1636
Gunda - 1613
NeedleGunner - 1564
Sgoaty - 1549
PeterNem - 1482
Acolyte - 1398
casale - 1201

This Week's Top Stompers

TinkerBell - 157
chris.morgan01 - 148
chunkster - 101
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 93
jamief - 64
mhalsall - 34
polandro - 30
PeterNem - 21
BigChris - 20
Sgoaty - 20
Staffy - 19
KillBait - 15
Jordan - 14
Prescott28 - 14
Ken - 12
Walter_Anderson - 12
beatvar - 7
sr4470 - 5
Pedrinho - 4
Wyrdo - 4
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 3
Rees - 3
Acolyte - 2
Concorde_Rules - 2
nicholas_yiu - 2
pmbuzz - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

DarkendViper - 560,000
Sammael(OcUK) - 500,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 320,000
ShaunBrewer - 280,000
rich99million - 260,000
froggy - 250,000
hornytoe - 140,000
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 100,000
casale - 70,000
Bigstan - 60,000
Kyzia - 40,000
nicholas_yiu - 25,000
Walter_Anderson - 20,000
Ken - 20,000
sr4470 - 20,000
polandro - 10,000
beatvar - 10,000
Ricko 10,000
cococlownboy - 7,500
KillBait - 5,000
Staffy - 5,000
Prescott28 - 5,000
ZX_MUPPET - 5,000
pmbuzz - 5,000
Sgoaty - 2,500
PeterNem - 2,500
BigChris - 2,500
jamief - 1,000

This Week's New Members


A very warm foldy welcome to all of you

Another week of unprecedented dumping, stomping and much tiffy action - excellent work everyone
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 17:50 October 7th and 16:50 October 14th
Previous Week's News: October 7th, September 30th, September 23rd, September 16th, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th.
Dunc you might just get away with not being stomped until monday due to the caretaker turning all the computers not on for the weekend.
wow.. nearly 3000 points for the week (so near yet so far).. i'm well chuffed :D

Except now the stomping gets harder :eek: , but more satisfying :)
I should be down as a slacker. Running F@H on only one processor, and that's only on for about 12 hours a day. My 24/7 rig is down at the moment and my two P4s are offline as well.

Meh. I'm starting to go backwards through the ranks *sniff*
(BoG) Napalm said:
Meh. I'm starting to go backwards through the ranks *sniff*

Don't worry about it too much, looks like you've had a couple of rubbish WU's.Those 7xx are a pain, but next time you might get a biggy and jump a host of other people. It's easy to progress where you are seeing there's so many people not folding. :)
True... I've had a few issues with my folding box of late - not dumping WUs (lost a 600 pointer) and it being unstable... Meh.

I'll get it back up and running soon enough :)
Whitestar said:
Dunc you might just get away with not being stomped until monday due to the caretaker turning all the computers not on for the weekend.


I thinks you got me ;)

Nice stats Mr 99million Sah :cool:

Look forward to seeing my name mentioned one day. However, my 1 rig is making it a little slow to get to the next tiffy :(

dunc said:
Nice stats Mr 99million Sah :cool:

Look forward to seeing my name mentioned one day. However, my 1 rig is making it a little slow to get to the next tiffy :(

thanks Dunc,

don't they have crunchy things over there in Alabama? Your 120K is not that far off really ;) :D
Thanks for the stats Rich. :)
Nice to see the new members settling in, a big WELCOME to ya all!. :D

Back to work on Monday, Rochdale for two weeks, but should get back for one night next weekend as its not to far. Ill leave a couple of rigs running so my output will be down, me thinks KE1HA will be safe in Cell 4 for a little while yet. :p ;)
Bad news I'm afraid. I've had to retire the laptop from folding due to it being nearly dead :(

The fan which used to make a bit of a noise now and then now makes an ungodly racket all the time when under load and the lappy switches itself to standby after a couple of hours.

It can still be used as a laptop for short periods but is no longer any use for folding.

I would take it to bits and have a look but I'm afraid I break it completely :o

Stan :)
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