Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 18th November 2005

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 18th November 2005

Current Team Position - 56th
Current Team Score - 8,433,162
Crunched This Week - 292,018

Next on the stomping horizon :cool:

53 PitCrew @ PCPitStop - 36 days
54 - Germany - 30 days

Teams stomped this week :D

57 pcabusers
58 Sharky Forums

Ones to keep an eye on :eek:

139 Team Hack-A-Day - 104 days
243 Team Engadget - 112 days

This Week's Top Dumpers

Sammael(OcUK) - 69557
DarkendViper - 42629
sculptor(OcUK) - 24829
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 22356
Walter_Anderson - 11725
_Berserker_ - 10974
hornytoe - 10144
froggy - 7828
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 6633
polandro - 5354
KE1HA - 4802
kinnison - 4547
ShaunBrewer - 4199
Ken - 3898
Sgoaty - 3653
rich99million - 3269
happytechie - 2671
Concorde_Rules - 2554
beatvar - 2514
Haly - 2333
Kyzia - 2250
Trick - 2115
Staffy - 1935
jamief - 1759
PeterNem - 1725
WeeRapscallion - 1565
sr4470 - 1542
Bigstan - 1438
dr.who - 1437
duggyruss - 1426
KillBait - 1382
nicholas_yiu - 1302
pmbuzz - 1280
Prescott28 - 1208
NeedleGunner - 1171
Mattus - 1140
aXeR - 1139
Quacky - 1072
cheets64 - 1000
Rincin - 964

This Week's Top Stompers

licong - 145
Joe42 - 130
MartinH - 129
MKNutEyes - 104
Paul_Holliday - 69
cheets64 - 27
Quacky - 24
Rincin - 24
Dave_RST - 22
johannes001 - 19
madpierre - 19
Sgoaty - 8
TinkerBell - 8
beatvar - 7
mhalsall - 7
pmbuzz - 7
Zirax - 7
Concorde_Rules - 6
jamief - 5
KillBait - 5
PeterNem - 5
WeeRapscallion - 5
helpinghand - 4
sagaboy2 - 4
Wyrdo - 4
Dave - 3
nicholas_yiu - 3
polandro - 3
Staffy - 3
Walter_Anderson - 3
cococlownboy - 2
Ken - 2
Prescott28 - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

Sammael(OcUK) - 940,000
DarkendViper 740,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 420,000
ShaunBrewer - 300,000
rich99million - 280,000
_Berserker_ - 260,000
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 220,000
diogenese 160,000
kinnison - 120,000
Walter_Anderson - 60,000
Ken - 40,000
beatvar - 20,000
Staffy - 15,000
Quacky - 2,500
cheets64 2,500
Rincin - 2,500
Paul_Holliday - 1,000

This Week's New Members


A very warm foldy welcome to all of you

There's obviously quite some slacking going on by those of us paying our last respects to Seti Classic and helping out with the big push - I'm glad to see so many still managing some very healthy outputs and keeping the foldy flag flying
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 18:50 November 11th and 17:50 November 18th
Previous Week's News: November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, 14th October, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th.
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whooops - didn't mean to submit it just yet :o

this will become this week's news very shortly :D

edit: tadaaaaaa!!!
sorry about that - pressed submit a tad bit early :p
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YAY well done team, I'm still at 100% folding as I can't for the life of me remember which E-Mail address I signed up to classic with.

I can see a top 50 slot for the team cery very soon. Thanks for the news Rich and have a good weekend everyone, I'm going home :D

With the posting of the folding news I can officially confirm that it is now the WEEKEND :D
Guilty of slacking but not through SETI classic. Broken hardware is my excuse.

Output should be up a bit next week thanks to the new A64 and the old P4 from Shetland being up and running along with the old faithful 1200 Duron.

The Prescott and the lappy will, unfortunately be out of action for the foreseeable future :(

Well done to the rest of the team for taking up the slack. Keep up the good work and welcome to the newcomers - may your stay be a long and happy one :)

Stan :)
Wow, i did'nt think i did that much before the switchover, i'll go grab my stuff, will be in the slackers corner for a few weeks :D

Thanks for the news Rich.
Nice one as usual Rich :)

happytechie said:
YAY well done team, I'm still at 100% folding as I can't for the life of me remember which E-Mail address I signed up to classic with.

If you want to do Classic, several people have posted their SETI email addresses so that people who have forgotten theirs can still contribute. Check Sammael's trust and use his MSN addy.
Berserker said:
Looks like you got away with it - just. :D

Unfortunately, the 16th and 30th September stats have been lost. :(
ahhh thanks for the heads-up, i've removed those links now

i don't think it's too much to be worried about, i have the code and source files for every news post so far here if anyone is particularly worried, i will probably go for an end of year news post from the date of the first news post to see some really huge numbers :D

thanks for all the thanks everyone - all part of the service :cool:
What do you foldy types think Team OcUK should do to pimp SETI@Classic? Depending on whose stats you look at we're either going to lose by about three days or we'll win by a matter of hours. How can we get the word out more effectively?
My ppd is down cos I'm gaming with EVE at the mo on my main rig (the one that does QMDs at 350ppd) - I turn it off cos it affects the framerate.
Well, after 2 good weeks of 2 600 pointers, somehow things ahve gone wrong adn I have just downloaded 2 46 point ones. Looks like the good times are over as these claim to need nearly 2 days Oh, well, see what else comes along.
PeterNem said:
PeterNem is moving on up!! Next target... top 75 people...

Your gonna be close to me by the 15th Dec, but as i'm 100% seti classic till then you got a headsup ;)

When classic is finished i'm back to folding. :D
noob question here.

I started running the Dual Clients - Console Version on my X2 3800+, both console are at 80%, just wondering will i get more point/credits with the 2 consoles running.
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