Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 21st October 2005

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 21st October 2005

Current Team Position - 62nd
Current Team Score - 7,237,605
Crunched This Week - 303,469

Next on the stomping horizon :cool:

58 Mississippi State University - 21 days
61 kcgeek - 12 days
60 - 4 days
59 Team - 4 days

Teams stomped this week

None this week :(

Ones to keep an eye on

206 Team Hack-A-Day - 351 days :eek:

This Week's Top Dumpers

Sammael(OcUK) - 90801
DarkendViper - 38608
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 27678
sculptor(OcUK) - 13872
hornytoe - 10116
KE1HA - 8773
froggy - 7663
_Berserker_ - 7020
polandro - 5635
Walter_Anderson - 5588
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 5556
kinnison - 5114
ShaunBrewer - 4269
rich99million - 4095
Ken - 3752
KillBait - 3178
aXeR - 2915
duggyruss - 2911
Bigstan - 2748
Trick - 2735
Sgoaty - 2617
Mattus - 2525
Haly - 2431
Kyzia - 2250
beatvar - 2183
happytechie - 2176
Staffy - 1955
jamief - 1902
sr4470 - 1599
Prescott28 - 1583
NeedleGunner - 1565
dr.who - 1468
PeterNem - 1432
nicholas_yiu - 1393
Dean_Vile - 1326
Concorde_Rules - 1320
GuruJockStrap - 1200
Wyrdo - 1097
diogenese - 1049

This Week's Top Stompers

Whitewater - 194
Sandmaster - 165
BlackAqua - 164
Zirax - 163
Amps - 161
Administrador - 149
jackalocuk - 135
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 126
TinkerBell - 50
jamief - 44
mhalsall - 29 - 23
KillBait - 18
Sgoaty - 18
sagaboy2 - 14
madpierre - 13
polandro - 11
BigChris - 9
chronicfathead - 9
HaX - 9
Napalm - 9
Staffy - 9
Prescott28 - 8
PeterNem - 6
Walter_Anderson - 5
Wyrdo - 5
beatvar - 4
geiger - 4
Concorde_Rules - 3
Ken - 3
Tob3z - 3
Acolyte - 2
Dave - 2
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 2
Mattus - 2
pmbuzz - 2
sr4470 - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

Sammael(OcUK) - 600,000
DarkendViper - 600,000
KE1HA - 360,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 340,000
_Berserker_ 220,000
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 200,000
duggyruss 160,000
hornytoe - 150,000
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 120,000
kinnison - 100,000
aXeR - 40,000
Haly - 40,000
Gunda - 25,000
david - 20,000
polandro - 15,000
KillBait - 10,000
Staffy - 7,500
Prescott28 - 7,500
Dave - 7,500
Sgoaty - 5,000
PeterNem - 5,000
Wyrdo - 5,000
jamief - 2,500
mhalsall 1,000

This Week's New Members

Administrador - not sure if that's a mistake or not

A very warm foldy welcome to all of you, Administrador if you're actually a new member and not somebody just using an admin account with a typo then welcome to the team too

Can Mister Sammael make it to 100K in a week???
Tune in same time same place next week to find out!!! :D
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 16:50 October 14th and 16:50 October 21st
Previous Week's News: 14th October, October 7th, September 30th, September 23rd, September 16th, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th.
It must be about time the last few of those were deleted - Mister Berserker be slacking surely :P
Woot 40k tiffy :D
Not bad going considering I've spent the last week at 2.4ghz instead of 3ghz :eek: :( Hopefully be rectifying that later on though and whack the OC back up.

Congrats all :)
BillytheImpaler said:
It's nice to see that kcgeek is going back where they belong; under the official OcUK stomping boot. :)
yes we seem to have gained an extra 10K per day over them - i know i've not been watching the stats as closely as i used to but that seriously took me by surprise! :eek: :)
Haly said:
Woot 40k tiffy :D
Not bad going considering I've spent the last week at 2.4ghz instead of 3ghz :eek: :( Hopefully be rectifying that later on though and whack the OC back up.

Congrats all :)

Nice one Haly, on the tiffy that is :p
I wouldn't like to catching you up if your rig was at 3GHz, it's hard enough as it is now

Welcome new peeps and thanks to Rich
Thanks for the supwerb news again rich.

Hornytoe, diognese and duggyruss. I highly doubt any of you will be stomped this week as its half term and theres probably only two or three computers left on for the week. :(
I'm pleased to say that productions back up where it belongs after my quick trip back to the UK. Now, I've gotta borg some more to put Bigstan back in his place MUWHAHHAHAHAHAH ;)

I think i'll be flexing the credit card upon my return to bolster the team's effort. Hmmm.... perhaps a new X2 and a P4 mobile as a side project will do the trick....
Found me a cruncher that hadn't been able to make contact for 10 days. Fixed now. :(

I might throw a server into the mix for a week. Depends on what else is going on with it.
Hey all, just got started with the folding on Thursday. Running it on my server (xp2500 @2.4), not amazingly fast but its dedicated and sitting there. Will get it running on my main machine later :)
Whitestar said:
Thanks for the supwerb news again rich.

Hornytoe, diognese and duggyruss. I highly doubt any of you will be stomped this week as its half term and theres probably only two or three computers left on for the week. :(
Woo hoo looks like I'll get to kip in cell 12 for a week ;) then sentenced for a month in unlucky for some cell 13 :eek:

Top work with the stats rich :)
Woot - I stomped 9 this week. YAY.

Hopefully there'll be some more stompage and dumpage from me soon. Bought a Socket 939 Opteron - that should be up and running in a couple of weeks. Woot.

Thanks for the news.
hornytoe said:
Woo hoo looks like I'll get to kip in cell 12 for a week ;) then sentenced for a month in unlucky for some cell 13 :eek:

Top work with the stats rich :)

Don't worry about cell 13, it's not too bad. I've been here for AGES!
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