Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 6th January 2006

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 6th January 2006

Current Team Position - 54th
Current Team Score - 10,119,388
Crunched This Week - 267,038

Next on the stomping horizon :cool:

49 Slo-Tech - 69 days
51 PC Club Folding@Home Team - 32 days
53 Project Tweakers - 15 days

Teams stomped this week :)

55 PitCrew @ PCPitStop

Ones to keep an eye on :eek:

58 Team Hack-a-Day - 12 days
70 Team Engadget - 38 days

This Week's Top Dumpers

Sammael(OcUK) - 56631
DarkendViper - 30911
sculptor(OcUK) - 21649
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 18003
Walter_Anderson - 15000
hornytoe - 8163
froggy - 7343
Trick - 6087
rich99million - 5154
KillBait - 5012
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 4790
polandro - 4624
vent - 4328
kinnison - 4010
ShaunBrewer - 3945
thekOna - 3600
Staffy - 3474
Bigstan - 3309
Ken - 3182
duggyruss - 3166
Paul_Holliday - 2790
Sgoaty - 2585
Haly - 2573
cheets64 - 2222
aXeR - 2126
Concorde_Rules - 2008
BlackAndWhite - 1761
Prescott28 - 1668
dr.who - 1666
Mattus - 1517
aceface57 - 1457
Kyzia - 1350
ZX_MUPPET - 1244
Gunda - 1228
Napalm - 1225
casale - 1163
AcidHell2 - 1155
Plasmoid - 1105
beatvar - 1022
Buzwad - 1001

This Week's Top Stompers

alxxx - 256
Pilgrim57 - 244
Xavien - 200
the_running_man21 - 150
stuartbut - 136
blitz2163 - 126
aceface57 - 102
Gary - 97
Dounix - 79
custard - 53
jonsbro - 22
thekOna - 21
spacelobsters - 16
BillytheImpaler(OcUK) - 14
vent - 10
spring85195 - 9
Plasmoid - 8
BlackAqua - 7
Paul_Holliday - 7
VictorianStar - 7
BlackAndWhite - 6
cheets64 - 6
Joe42 - 6
A_N_Other - 5
Napalm - 5
Rincin - 5
Dave_RST - 4
Quacky - 4
Staffy - 4
Zirax - 4
AcidHell2 - 3
DevilsGT2 - 3
KillBait - 3
MartinH - 3
Prescott28 - 3
Buzwad - 2
Gunda - 2
Ricko - 2
Sgoaty - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

DarkendViper - 975,000
sculptor(OcUK) - 550,000
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 375,000
rich99million - 300,000
hornytoe - 250,000
Walter_Anderson - 140,000
dr.who - 90,000
polandro - 70,000
Ken - 70,000
KillBait - 40,000
Concorde_Rules - 40,000
Staffy - 30,000
Acolyte - 25,000
vent - 20,000
cheets64 - 15,000
ZX_MUPPET - 15,000
DevilsGT2 - 7,500
Dave_RST - 7,500
thekOna - 5,000
Zirax - 5,000
melymel2789 - 5,000
spacelobsters - 2,500
BlackAqua - 2,500
aceface57 - 1,000

This Week's New Members


A very warm foldy welcome to you all :)

Output is up on last week, active participants is also up - way to go everyone
Welcome back to the team KE1HA - gonna be quite some dumpage from you in the next week's news I bet
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 19:30 December 30th and 17:45 January 6th
Previous Week's News: December 30th, December 23rd, December 16th, December 9th, December 2nd, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th, October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th.
Ahhh, back on the top stompers list. thanks for the news, rich.

EDIT: When shall I put forth the official team PARP? Is a week enough notice? :D
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Good week for me as I finally managed to get ahead of BigStan again, thanks to loads of 600pters and being back at work!
Yes - seems to have been a good week all round. I've finally cleared the decks of all my AMD stuff and the 840/x64's are doing 700ppd each so I'm actually fully contributing this week.

I also think I've figured out why my P4 machines weren't getting QMDs all the time - the automatic routine was only allocating 480K of memory to each thread and you seem to need 512Mb to get QMDs all the time. Manually adjusting those to 512Mb each seems to to have had the desired effect.

It's also great to see us hit #54 - roll on #53!
BillytheImpaler said:
EDIT: When shall I put forth the official team PARP? Is a week enough notice? :D
this post makes me unhappy :(

well you may as well make your team parp now really - maybe we can hold you off for two weeks if we try reeeally hard :o :D
rich99million said:
this post makes me unhappy :(

Sorry, sah. I can't help it, honest. It's just that we're a bit more productive that ya'll. I guess I'll be meek about it.

Attention ladies and gentlemen of OcUK Folding (10). This is BillytheImpaler speaking on behalf of Team Hack-a-Day (44851). I would like to inform you that should current trends continue, we will take over the No. 54 cell in 12 days time.

Trick said:
Good week for me as I finally managed to get ahead of BigStan again, thanks to loads of 600pters and being back at work!

I noticed :(

At least someone is getting decent WUs. I think the P4 is still getting QMDs but the AMDs seem to be getting piddly little WUs - I've had 87 points from 4 WUs today :confused:

Also, my profile is only showing 3 active CPUs in the last week, looks like some dipstick has switched off the rig (my San Diego) in the sitting room at the flat :mad: (I'm stuck offshore until Thursday and can't do a thing about it.)

Having said that, even at best, my PPD would only be about 700ish so I would struggle to keep up with you anyway - well done that man :) Stomp on!

Stan :)

/Eyes up dual core P4s and wonders if he can justify the cost
Thanks Rich. Hopeless week for me! Still, got a nice DGromacs WU worth 689pts dumping in about an hour :D

Damn yoo Billy :p
Not a bad week for me considering, been doing a bit of QMD on A64 testing the last day or so, will probably take another day or two to get the final results. Then back to normal.

I have ordered a 4400+ dual core to replace the 3500+ (also 2Gb of PC4000 RAM and a 512Mb PCIe graphics card - and a few other bits and bobs) - another grand gone, just like that :eek: Gonna be some machine when she's finished though :D

Hopefully that, along with the output from the new laptop will edge me ahead of Trick again in a few weeks.

I'll still be left with the 3500+, 1Gb of Corsair PC3200 and a 128Mb PCIe card, so when I get paid next all I need is a case, PSU, motherboard, hard drive and optical drive and we're off again :D

Stan :)
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Bigstan said:

I have ordered a 4400+ dual core to replace the 3500+ (also 2Gb of PC4000 RAM and a 512Mb PCIe graphics card - and a few other bits and bobs) - another grand gone, just like that :eek: Gonna be some machine when she's finished though :D

Hopefully that, along with the output from the new laptop will edge me ahead of Trick again in a few weeks.

I'll still be left with the 3500+, 1Gb of Corsair PC3200 and a 128Mb PCIe card, so when I get paid next all I need is a case, PSU, motherboard, hard drive and optical drive and we're off again :D

Stan :)

I said that 3 machines ago - and I've got a 2.8GHz P4 521 sitting here awaiting an ABit AA8 Duramax motherboard. I'll run them naked until I can pick up a cheap case ;)
kinnison said:
back to college on mon 9th, that should mean i stop gaming so much!! Might add 50-100 to my ppd :)
Not enough to keep Mr.Anderson off my back :(

I'm not sure I'm into all this within-team stomping. It's a team thing.

I might rename all my machines anonymous for Team 10 - that should result in a fairly mighty stomp on week 1!

Maybe on the 2nd of May 2006 (That's when I should go top 5 on the team).

After that I'm not going to be able to stomp anyone ever again so I might change my name and start again.
OK as I said at the top of this thread I was having a bad week. Just took in about 300points in one day.

sagaboy2 said:
yeah i'm getting more than usual too - they are probably messing around with the decent WUs at the moment and we're going through a time of rubbish one - it'll get better though, it always does

well either that or KE1HA switched so much power back to folding that he's got ALL the good wus :eek: :p

i would imagine that we're in line to get a few new projects released as there's bound to have been some slacking off over the christmas/new year period by the stanford folk

hope you get some better ones soon - i'm assuming you have large WUs and -advmethods (that one is argueable as to it's good/bad effect) enabled already
That's sweet news, wasn't expecting to do that well this week. as I was having trouble sleeping so the computer had to be turned off at nights.. Back to normal now though :)
Woot, I'm back :D

Got three CPUs running, one 24/7, and two during the day. I keep getting little WU's as well, which is mildly annoying, but for some reason my linux box gets the 600 pointers. I got another one the other day. My Opty is advmethods and big WU's, but I get little 40 pointers. The linux box is Big WU's but not advmethods, I think.


edit: My mate might be running F@H on his two P4's soon too :D
(BoG) Napalm said:
My Opty is advmethods and big WU's, but I get little 40 pointers. The linux box is Big WU's but not advmethods, I think.
yes it has been said that the 600 pointers seem to come a bit more regularly without -advmethods although when i've tried it it's not made much difference, besides at the time most of my rigs were still happily picking up the 364-pointers which are the best by far for my rigs

if you keep getting the same rubbish wu's over and over then playing with the config is hardly gonna make things worse (though best to do it early on in a wu just incase the client throws a wobbler and loses your 95% complete WU :eek: )

edit: a handy tool exists which edits the image path for you - can't remember what it's called but it's listed in the folding community forums 3rd party programs section
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