Folding@Home Weekly Team News - 9th December 2005

26 Dec 2002
Folding@Home Team News - w/e 9th December 2005

Current Team Position - 56th
Current Team Score - 9,098,682
Crunched This Week - 177,945

Next on the stomping horizon :cool:

53 PitCrew @ PCPitStop - 47 days
55 - Germany - 29 days

Teams stomped this week

None yet ;)

Ones to keep an eye on :eek:

87 Team Hack-A-Day - 48 days
109 Team Engadget - 60 days

This Week's Top Dumpers

DarkendViper - 31521
Sammael(OcUK) - 31320
hornytoe - 10206
Walter_Anderson - 8904
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 8721
froggy - 5833
Steevo38_(OcUK) - 5441
sculptor(OcUK) - 4763
Trick - 4559
Ken - 4093
ShaunBrewer - 3938
Sgoaty - 3935
polandro - 3889
kinnison - 3748
Concorde_Rules - 3046
aXeR - 2532
Kyzia - 2343
Haly - 2241
Paul_Holliday - 2103
rich99million - 2070
beatvar - 2012
Bigstan - 1906
cheets64 - 1536
pmbuzz - 1398
happytechie - 1353
hilly - 1200
casale - 1132
Dave_RST - 1103
KillBait - 1101
Prescott28 - 1045
BlackAqua - 1015

This Week's Top Stompers

vent - 255
Plasmoid - 210
melymel2789 - 179
welshtom - 178
DOM - 170
ben_rogers - 162
Beast698 - 144
seo2india - 59
MartinH - 49
BlackAqua - 37
spring85195 - 31
licong - 23
lukechad - 22
MattBrown - 17
Paul_Holliday - 17
cheets64 - 10
chunkster - 9
Dave_RST - 9
VictorianStar - 7
pmbuzz - 6
chronicfathead - 5
Concorde_Rules - 4
Prescott28 - 4
Rincin - 4
KillBait - 3
mhalsall - 3
sagaboy2 - 3
TinkerBell - 3
AcidHell2 - 2
BigChris - 2
hilly - 2
Quacky - 2

This Week's Tiffy-Kat Winners

DarkendViper - 860,000
Whitestar (LigerZero) - 320,000
Walter_Anderson - 90,000
Bigstan - 80,000
aXeR - 60,000
Kyzia - 60,000
Ken - 50,000
Concorde_Rules - 30,000
Paul_Holliday - 5,000
BlackAqua - 1,000

This Week's New Members


A very warm foldy welcome to all of you - a few very familiar names in there too

Apologies for the Sunday posting of Friday's News, couldn't really be avoided I'm afraid. Only the second time since I started posting the news back in June so I obviously need to get out more anyway :D
The team output is down a little again on last week's however with Seti Classic ending this week I'm sure we will have a lot more activity next week.
Sorry anyone who's not been mentioned - you know what to do now :)

Stats compiled from Stanford official stats page and EOC stats page
Stomping and Dumping Stats calculated between 18:15 December 2nd and 14:30 December 9th
Previous Week's News: December 2nd, November 25th, November 18th, November 11th, November 4th, October 28th,
October 21st, October 14th, October 7th, September 23rd, September 9th, September 2nd, August 26th.
Thanks for the news, Rich. I expect that a great number of SETI classic donators will find their way over to FAH. Is this a recruitment opportinuty for OcUK? What can we do to pick up perturbed SETI crunchers?

Imagine what it would be like if just MoS and Sneezy switched over to FAH. :eek:
HaHa yeah that'd be nice eh? :D

I won't be doing any heavy-pimping of Seti Classic crunchers personally, most are either Folding or Boinc participants or just not available anyway (eg. MoS and Sneezy). I'm sure any Classic crunchers who have been around the forum in the last year or so know about Folding already and are as ever welcome to come and join the fray :)
thanks for the lovely stats rich

vent you must have quite a lot of processing power as I can't catch you and ive got 6 PC's on Folding 24/7.

2500-M @ 2353, 2100 @ XP2700, 2500 semp @ 2025, XP1700 MP @ 2250, Tbird 1.4, PIII 667 (soon to be dual)

i hope a lot more people join team 10 as the boinc server is absolutely *ullsh*t, can never upload work, so annoying!!

Thanks for the stats Rich.

A good week for me, dumping almost 1400 and stomping 6.

Good work everyone.
hmmmm when where these stats taken?
and is the top dumpers worked out on WUs returned or points?
My production should go up soon. I'll be home for christmas so my PC will be on 24/7 nearly all the time. The one currently being used at home is always off despite me saying leave it on, typical parents.
Just scraped the top dumpers :D, old sempron will be helping in the effort after my barbados xmas hol so production will be down for the next 2 weeks here :p
VeNT said:
hmmmm when where these stats taken?
and is the top dumpers worked out on WUs returned or points?
hey there mister VeNT - I was half expecting you to ask as much since you must have produced quite a bit between me taking the stats and posting the news

The stats were taken on 14:30 December 9th and are compared against those from the week before (i always state the time and date at the bottom of each news post). Top Dumpers are worked out on points gained throughout the week but i only include those who have dumped over 1000 points in the week, you were in the 800ish area at the time bit i'm sure you'll be high up in the dumpers list from the next news onwards :)

edit: I usually post the news each friday within an hour or so of taking the stats as to keep them as fresh as possible
well I'll let you get away with it this time,
was a bit stunned as I had over 2k points by the time these stats had been posted
yeah there was the same problem last time i went away on a Friday - it's either post the news late with the right data or mess up the next week's news too, looking forward to next week's news already - should be a good one :)
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