For sale section

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23 Aug 2005
im sure there used to be a for sale section on this forum where people could sell stuff? cant see it...

selling my 640mb 8800gts..
You need more posts to view it. Details are in the FAQ :)

Might want to read it re: your sig too.
ah sorry.

just wondered where it had gone, as i saw it a while back, didnt think of checking FAQ :P

well the 3 onths wont matter to you as u have been a member longer than that.. thats all im waiting for
Ok your all really confusing me now.

I saw a members market a while back, thats all i know.

FrostedNipple said:
eh, im sure i didint say that, i was just curious as to how he knows about member market

because before you joined... everyone could see the members market, i.e no post or time requirement.

then it was changed to 100 posts, then later still 250 + 3 month
Note to the admins:

before you lock this, can you update my access so i can see members market please lol.. ive been around long enough! :p (and dont spam enough to hit 250 posts any time soon :( )
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Fisha said:
Note to the admins:

before you lock this, can you update my access so i can see members market please lol.. ive been around long enough! :p

But you need to be active so that you don't run off with someone's money, never to be seen again.

Why not try sticking around and helping a few more people? :)

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