For those who have STALKER, how does it run?

Very steady 33fps

Game plays excellently, only time it slows down for me is when changing to a new zone in a level and thats 1-2sec load up
Very nice. Have not actually used fraps yet for this but its smooth at about 30fps easy from the feel of it. But i had to turn down grass density due to fully dynamic lighting used. (full dynamic lighting and maxed grass slider is a big no no)

Check my sig.



To me the gfx are nice, they are not half life 2 or doom 3 and nor should they, the setting and style of the game make what they used fit rather nicely in my view. Sure a few things could be improved but there not game breakers.
Booner! said:
Is it graphically pleasing?

I need something to make my 8800Gts Cry!

Oh and is it any good to play? that helps too.. :p

This will make your card shine quite nicely, its getting harder and harder to wait for r600
it plays ok after a bit of messing apart.

I think it was in another thread but you want full dynaic lighting on as you can really tell the difference. If this is too harsh on the frames at your resolution, knock the textures down an notch and perhaps the shdow quality a notch.

That gives me an average of around 50fps at 1280x1024 and mid aa on a x1900xt @ 749/801, 2 gig ram, [email protected].

I've not really tried much else. might try 1600x1200 tonight but i can't really live with below 40fps, it spoils it for me personally.
the graphics aren't exactly stunning. They're ok but agree with others who say that the graphics don't justify the performance. Runs around 35fps at the start with everything on high at TFT res on mine. Fair bit of grass waving around though which is probably slowing things down but doesn't look as pretty as Oblivion that runs better.
8800GTS, game fully maxed out, getting 30-60FPS (with vsync off even.)

Abysmal performance considering it looks so poor even maxed out, and antaliasing doesn't even work right.
The preformance isnt good but i think with this game its the atmosphere. Nothing since hl2 has made me go just one more go and another and another :D
With my spec in sig, c2d and gtx, i have everything maxed and all sliders to the right everything turned on, 1680x1050 everything perfectly smooth. I haven't actually benchmarked it for an fps but it feels as fi its running above 60 at all times i would say. I don't know why poeple say this game is one of the most demaning, i run it better than TDU easily.
carlazai said:
Very steady 33fps

Game plays excellently, only time it slows down for me is when changing to a new zone in a level and thats 1-2sec load up

Sounds good, what resolution and detail are you playing at? Your system looks fairly similar to mine.
PESolution said:
i have everything maxed and all sliders to the right everything turned on, 1680x1050 everything perfectly smooth
I somehow doubt it's "perfectly smooth," but our definitions of that probably differ.

PESolution said:
I haven't actually benchmarked it for an fps but it feels as fi its running above 60 at all times i would say.
Enough said really. Fraps will surprise you, my friend.
i want to get this, but the vista bugs ive heard about are stopping me.

For the game, i think the weapons look very nice, enviroments arnt great but as people have said, this game is about the atmosphere.
How does it run ? like a one legged donkey unless you have an 8800 ;) or are happy with 1024x768.
AA does not work (with any card it appears).
Fraps loaded settings 1920x1200 max and no AA (possibly AF too) as it is broken for me at least,at the first part were the bloke is behind the counter ..19FPS.
F.E.A.R is playable at those settings with 2xaa on my system and this doesnt strike me as looking any better.
I actually havent started playing it as I can't stand jaggies, they need to sort that out :rolleyes:
I was so looking forward to this too :mad:
I knew it would never run well on mine, but I wasn't prepared for quite how bad it was!
Oldish rig though, A64 3400, 1.5gb, 6800GS.

Everything on minimum and 1024x768 and it was still dog slow.
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