Ford Mondeo Remote Central Locking

24 Apr 2004
Warrington, UK
I've have tried to ask this over at the mondeo forums they are being a bit intermittant at the moment i know we have or had a fair few mondeo owners on here.

So question does is the remote central locking tied into the alarm system on a MK2 1999 Mondeo. I have just bought a mondeo and the guy mentioned he had the alarm disabled as he had numerous problems with it. I was wondering if this is the reason for the central locking not working via the remote but fine via the key.


The Mirez link is very good.

The radio part of the central locking goes through an antenna which comes out of the alarm unit ( which is to the right of the accelerator )
I've just reread your post - if the alarm going off frequently is part of the problem what you can try is to unplug the bonnet sensor. It is on the right side of the car, just behind/above then headlight. It is a plunger that releases when you open the bonnet, try unplugging that - if random alarm problems go away then that sensor needs replaced.

Check as it has a large wiki with many of the most common problems.
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