Free Poker Game Tonight.

you need to download the client, you can't do private from the web version. I am at work or i would have loved to have played :(
Err.. for some reason we've been playing NO limit, and the final table's LIMIT?! :(

Perfect example there, I'm holding 6-6, flop a 6, and I can't protect my hand. Ended up losing it too. Don't like that one bit.
I should be out, pushed all in through boredom of playing bloody limit and hit runner runner to stay alive :eek:

I'm actually quite confused at this format. We were playing NL fine until the final table, now it's limit for MOST players, but king_reubs and repta seem to be able to raise to what they like, while the rest of us can only call or min raise?! Bizarre.
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Well, I did say whoever Meep_Meep was would win because they kept pulling miracles out of their arse, and there's another. Set over set against his made flush. :rolleyes:
Was good fun overall, got a little boring near the end though.

<----- Meep_Meep

Sorry dazza :p
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