Free Star Citizen access until Friday!

Couldn't get into a ship, so I did some space walking. :D

Love the attention to detail, it looks beautiful. Unfortunately, the game crashed.

Will definitely pick up the finished game, and probably will pop back on before Friday as well.
They should really have done the update to the manual and listing of controls before this final free flight before the split as I suspect a number of people do not know what does what. There will be some negative feedback no doubt about people not knowing how to select the ship from the screen, once in space how to quantum jump etc.
Couldn't get into a ship, so I did some space walking. :D

Love the attention to detail, it looks beautiful. Unfortunately, the game crashed.

Will definitely pick up the finished game, and probably will pop back on before Friday as well.

Some ships are bugged and difficult to get into, with most the Mustang Series there is a small hatch on the underside, once its open press F again, once lifted up its a bit of a faff to turn to the cockpit to press F again to get in your chair, i don't know why they have that ship on free offer as to a newcomer its likely to be damned near impossible to get into, i have seen plenty try and give up, makes me fell sorry for them.

The whole Game is very alpha, crashes, bad performance, bugged ships......

Also, the controls are extensive and overwhelming, the instructions for that are indecipherable....
The best thing anyone can do his Hit F12 once in, if you hit Return you can type questions in the chat box, people don't always answer but sometimes you do get helpful peeps there, i always do my best to be helpful.

Given a chance the potential is there to see.

PS: free pass has been extended to 08/02/16
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I was wondering if there is anybody here who has a good understanding of how this game plays. I like the idea but there seems to be a lot going on with game development and I wouldn't know where to start.
I would like to somebody to write an in-depth article for my site and gain a little exposure.
Any one interested?

Ok, thanks for your response.
I will try to find him.

Just stumbled upon the thread :D

Im not opposed to writing a fair amount about SC, even if most people wont read it :D

About 18mo ago i started building a 'Star Citizen Opus' of SC information for our small org's forum, just somewhere that covered a decent variety of topics to show depth and range of what SC is trying to cover. We're not SC centric, and many of our members dont follow things so i wanted to try and make interesting info easier to find.
Just before xmas i decided to move that info from our forum to a section on the website, not really expecting many to bother reading it but i find it a great way to actually find out more about the game, when looking for specifics. I wouldnt be surprised if only 1 person in our org has noticed its there, and i gave him the link :D

Have a look for yourself:

The first page covers the general stuff, careers gives you a good idea of just how open the world would be, most of them are legitimate career choices (ie hauling, farming, overclocking or soldier) and some are essentially splitting hairs and down to how you'd choose to play (ie Mercenary vs Crusader, or the variety of criminal roles). The rest is snippets of info.

If any of it is useful then feel free to copy & paste it, slice & dice it, or if theres something more specific that you're looking for then i'll give it a go. The main aim is just trying to cover the scope in order to drive interest and hype for it, as well as attempt to simplify the info and make it somewhat more digestible and explain some of the misunderstandings and misinformation around SC, such as the $18,000 packages and $150 prices that tend to muddy the waters.
I havent actually covered that last bit in there, mainly because i expect anyone reading it is likely to know SC anyway, but it might be worth throwing in there, its certainly something thats helpful to explain because it can give the wrong impression. I might take a crack of that tonight.

It'd be cool if in return you could stick a referral code in there for me, 10 referrals is enough to give me a free $90 ship. The other person gets $5 worth of in-game currency (5000 UEC) too, so there's benefits for all. Im sitting pretty with 1 referral so far :D

If you let me know more what you're looking for, then i can modify it or write something else up more specific to what you want.


Added the 'Misunderstandings and Misinformation' tab and a load of waffle on the subject :)
I think everything is covered, there could be a few more but i'd imagine those are the main ones unless ive blanked out on some. I havent done much in the way of proof read it either :D I usually stumble upon things a few days later, cos i end up reading what i meant and not what i typed.
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Also, the controls are extensive and overwhelming, the instructions for that are indecipherable....

Not just a dig at SC this is one thing that is putting me off a lot of games of late especially space games like ED and SC - especially hate it when you have 6+ action keys for actions that NEVER happen at the same time so you could just have one context aware action key.
Rroff that's the feedback they're getting from the community to be fair, the controls have amusingly improved a lot in the past year especially for those using stick/throttles etc - I use to hate having to load up SC and finding my controller config had reset, it'd take me about 30 mins just to sort it out if my backup xml file wasn't accepted.

My biggest gripes just now are the controls, too many keys, many of which make little sense e.g.

Press "1" to draw a pistol..

OK now I want to holster it.. press "1" again? nope, press "H" ? Nope.. oh it's "J"

J to put a pistol away, seriously? :)

This is why it's still in alpha though, FPS is in development but the controls for much of the game need to be sanity checked.

They have in the past few months started an "issue council" where we can report bugs and problems and the community helps prioritise them via a Reddit style voting system, actually works really well but typically people are more interested in ship mechanics and bugs than boring stuff like controls :(
Thanks OP - Will try and give this a go tomorrow :)

PS. Thanks for the article, interesting read.
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I entered the universe, walked round a bit, found a terminal then a door asking to <<USE>> and couldnt find the USE key.

I then exited and played Star Wars Battlefront.....

I need to find the USE key.
That's a nice write up mate! Wasn't expecting you to have something pre-written lol

Thanks :D I wouldnt mind doing it either way, i enjoy thinking & talking about it, could spend most of the day doing just that hehe.

The controls are definitely a handful. Its kinda understandable but as CR has said a few times, they need sorting out. Im pretty sure the game will let you map every single action to the print-screen button if you wanted to, so you can definitely overlap some. Its handy that it lets you, but it'd be nice if when you mapped a new button to 'q' it said this key is also mapped to roll, shoot, poop, etc etc cos finding out when you're flying that the button triggers decoupled flight mode or something, is damn annoying when you dont realise for a few seconds.

Also, the future plan is that most ships would start with a fairly basic capability in terms of flight settings, you'd be looking at buying advanced ship systems to let you toggle decoupled or similar advanced flight techniques. Right now all ships have everything, its easier that way, but eventually they'll start taking stuff off us, making them more in-line with whats realistic for them. Similar to a sports car letting you dial in the TC, stiffen the suspension etc
So to a degree, a new player would have less to deal with, it lets them master the basics and then try the fancy stuff. Doesnt make keymaps much easier, just less you could enable/disable and make life more complicated.

Its no better with a HOTAS either :D

oh yeah, and H is Heal, which makes sense in a way. Pressing the same button as the current gun makes more sense though, and likewise 'accessories' like the heal pen item.
I also meant to add that at the moment, i think the keymap is basically the initial controls, then they needed this and that, so they went in handy places, then the next update they needed buttons for some other stuff... its a hodge-podge of buttons allocated as they were needed. They could have done with updating it at 2.0, but theres probably more buttons still to come and its better dealing with finding a nice layout once they know what they'll need. Some things might go (like 1-4 being weapons, holster, heal) and the grabby-hands/interaction button, if that interaction gives options, maybe some buttons wont be required any more.
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I entered the universe, walked round a bit, found a terminal then a door asking to <<USE>> and couldnt find the USE key.

I then exited and played Star Wars Battlefront.....

I need to find the USE key.

'F' is the one you wanted.
Ctrl+F gets you out of a seat (presumably so you dont accidentally press it and enter EVA as you're flying).
Anyone got a referral? I presume you get a nice benefit out of it too ;)

Happy for you to use mine but would probably suggest waiting on Paul coming back as I think he deserves it for putting his write up online.


We get referral points, but it's a bit meaningless without hitting 10 to be honest which is why I think it'd be great to get one member of OCUK up to that so they get something of value :D
I entered the universe, walked round a bit, found a terminal then a door asking to <<USE>> and couldnt find the USE key.

I then exited and played Star Wars Battlefront.....

I need to find the USE key.

Even if you find the use key, you will find that half the time it doesnt work anyway. :p
The game is still seriously buggy, I had a bit of fun with it a few months back, but ultimately uninstalled until a more finely tuned update is released.
Even if you find the use key, you will find that half the time it doesnt work anyway. :p
The game is still seriously buggy, I had a bit of fun with it a few months back, but ultimately uninstalled until a more finely tuned update is released.

Couple of months ago! That was probably before Crusader was out, it's worth giving it a blast mate, can be a right laugh :D
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