Yeah, theres no denying that SC is going to be pushing high-end hardware. It'll be the next 'But can it play Crysis?' type game. I was getting 30fps with the specs in my sig (only 2560x1080, i get about 20fps at 7680x1080) with full settings, and while that isnt ideal i personally dont tend to notice it and i think its still perfectly playable anyway.
If it is unplayable for you, then just ask in the chat (F12, press enter to start typing) if you can join someone and just get an idea for what it is. As it stands you wouldnt call it a 'game' at the moment, its a mixture between a tech demo and a proof of concept, but IMO its worth experiencing it - its a first person game where you can walk around, EVA out in space, jump into a space ship and fly hundreds of thousands of KM, or just walk around a spaceship thats flying 100,000km's in just a few seconds and its all completely seamless.
It might only be a crumb, but that crumb tells you a lot about the cake. It'll give you a good idea as to whether its something to keep an eye on, or potentially become a backer while its $45/£35 for the First-Person 'MMO' Star Citizen plus the single player campaign Squadron 42.
For those who havent seen much of Star Citizen or Squadron 42, here's a couple of videos of bits of the game.
The first is the (early WIP) introduction to SQ42, you're inside an Idris Frigate, 240 meters long, and this is kind of tour - in SQ42 and SC you'll be able to fly & crew these, and as you'll see the entire ships interior is modelled.
Next is a short landing sequence at Nyx, one of many unique landing zones. The one after is ArcCorp which is currently available in-game now, all the populated landing zones will have areas like this with customs, shops, bars etc.
Last up is the demo they gave the week before Xmas, having the ability to go from being in space to flying down to a planet and then land.
The game in its current state is completely seamless once you've loaded into the universe/Port Olisar, and all of these videos show something that you'll be able to transition too and from. You'll be able to jump into a small fighter, fly down onto a planet, get out and purchase new weapons, fly back out into space and then land inside an Idris or the 1km long Bengal Carrier (also fully modelled interiors) and then get out of the seat and walk around a huge ship like this, and help out, and its all done to incredible levels of detail.
To those who arent following SC, this is kinda the proof of what they're doing and dont just take their/our word for it, try it yourself.