Free Star Citizen access until Friday!

For those that are struggling with the keys, it might be wise to draw a quick keyboard map of the keys you will need more often and then refer to that when playing, its taken my until now to get ym head around it as I've only just starting playing Crusader despite being an original backer!
Anyone got a referral? I presume you get a nice benefit out of it too ;)

oh oh, pick me, pick me!! :D

Happy for you to use mine but would probably suggest waiting on Paul coming back as I think he deserves it for putting his write up online.


We get referral points, but it's a bit meaningless without hitting 10 to be honest which is why I think it'd be great to get one member of OCUK up to that so they get something of value :D

Thanks :D

5 isnt so bad though, the GreyCat buggy and the Fishtank, not exactly game changers but certainly nice to have and ive bought neither because its not something i want to spend cash on when i can buy them in game.
Even if you find the use key, you will find that half the time it doesnt work anyway. :p
The game is still seriously buggy, I had a bit of fun with it a few months back, but ultimately uninstalled until a more finely tuned update is released.

Yeah, a few months back... what were you doing a few months back that involved the use button? Theres nothing wrong with the use button at all, certainly not in the hangar which is about all you'd have needed it for, its fiddly trying to find the right spot but i've never experienced anything remotely 'buggy' about them.
If anything sometimes they feel buggy in Crusader :D (not helping!). Theres definitely something odd with the Freelancer if you get out of the seat, EVA out, then get back into the ship and try to sit in the front passenger seat, the 'use' buttons seem to be misplaced and you think you're pressing for the front right seat and end up in the rear right, even the pilot seat can do it. When that happens i just jump in the beds behind the cockpit and get out and it seems to fix things again.
The Mustangs can be a little funny too, they've been fine in the hangar though as ive owned all of them at some stage.

Wont deny theres been plenty of issues, not sure about 'use' button ones till the mini universe came online, but its worth taking a look these days. Might not be good enough to convince everyone to buy a package, but im confident most people would see the potential, why theres excitement about it. Its taking gaming a leap forward, when most developers are happy to just shuffle along.
Gave it a try out but, as with Elite, I encountered the same problem.

Space flight just doesn't work for me, I'm unable to buy into the illusion of movement the same way I do with Prepar3d and DCS World.

I think it's down to the space environment, there aren't enough visual reference points to trick my brain into thinking I'm actually going anywhere. I just feel like I'm pivoting on a fixed point.

It was good of them to do the free trial but I'll have to pass on this one.
I've never really been into space or flight sims, but its definitely something that feels hard to get your head around. You might actually find that the Arena Commander (found under 'Electronic Access') is better for that, because its a much tighter area with asteroids and more visual, its easier to get a proper frame of reference.

They were just explaining that further on in development once the different systems are in, we'll not only have large planets but they would create a kind of 'skydome' which reflected those distant galaxies surrounding us that you otherwise wouldnt actually have inside that 'map'.

There will be plenty more free-flys, they usually do about 3-5 a year, whenever they do events at PAX East (early March iirc), Gamescom (~2nd week of August), and CitizenCon (~10th Oct) are pretty much certainties, with a few others in the gaps. Give it a year, see where its at. Also, SQ42 might actually feel better with them being more scripted occurrences, i'd imagine a more choreographed experience might help adjust, and then the freedom of the PU might feel more natural.

Im finding it a little odd in the fact that a lot of the travelling would be done at quantum speeds, not that much of it is done at a regular or even cruise speed. Its kinda obvious, cos this is anything but earth-like scales, just feels strange.
When the Crusader map came online, someone travelled from one location to another at cruise speed, and left it running. It was a test to basically prove that it was 1 map, and the measurements were true. You werent simply jumping from one mini-map to another mini-map with something of interest, the mechanics work that way, but they genuinely exist hundreds of thousands of KM away from each other. It took him 22hrs to arrive at the end destination.
I think its kinda amazing, dull as dishwater as an activity, but its real, and they can do this on a scale of hundreds of millions of KM, largely thanks to the vast nothingness in space, but you can absolutely fly there, its not a 100KM/cube map with a 10km point of interest and you MUST Q-Drive around.
A couple of things have been announced/clarified in todays community live-stream:

- Free Fly week has been extended till the 14th.

- Feb 14th, Star Citizen and Squadron 42 will no longer be SOLD together at the price of $45. Existing packages are not affected. If you want to buy either of the two, they will cost $45 each, however if you decide to buy both, the other one will be $15, bringing the total to $60. E.G. Buy Star Citizen for $45 and Squadron 42 is $15, Vice versa.

Im not aware if you need to buy both at the same time, or if you can buy just SC for $45 and then add SQ42 at a later date for $15. If theres any clarification i'll post. Apparently the $15 will go up when it gets closer to release (presumably as will the $45 to buy SQ42 separately).
So what are we downloading exactly? Is it still in beta?

Still in Alpha. And very much so from my experience trying it this week. It's not at all well optimised currently, my old PC couldn't really handle it despite meeting minimum requirements. I don't mind, it's an Alpha and to be expected. I need to upgrade my PC soon anyway.
But I will say that despite the Alpha tag, the 'mini-PU' as its called, its actually quite fun. Fly your ships around, stalk other players, complete some minor generated missions and generally just cruise... I've taken to stalking and taking out other ships at the moment, but only once their in space and away from Port Olisar as that isn't very nice :-)
So... I downloaded this on Monday, but only just had a chance to fire it up.

Tried the training mission - FPS dropped to 2 every few seconds, gave up, fired up Vanduul Swarm, thought it was pretty good.

I tried the Universe, but I couldn't interact with anything, even the automatic doors wouldn't open for me, I had to wait for someone else to go through. Went into a gun shop, couldn't interact with the vendor.

Am I missing something here?
Yeah, theres no denying that SC is going to be pushing high-end hardware. It'll be the next 'But can it play Crysis?' type game. I was getting 30fps with the specs in my sig (only 2560x1080, i get about 20fps at 7680x1080) with full settings, and while that isnt ideal i personally dont tend to notice it and i think its still perfectly playable anyway.

If it is unplayable for you, then just ask in the chat (F12, press enter to start typing) if you can join someone and just get an idea for what it is. As it stands you wouldnt call it a 'game' at the moment, its a mixture between a tech demo and a proof of concept, but IMO its worth experiencing it - its a first person game where you can walk around, EVA out in space, jump into a space ship and fly hundreds of thousands of KM, or just walk around a spaceship thats flying 100,000km's in just a few seconds and its all completely seamless.

It might only be a crumb, but that crumb tells you a lot about the cake. It'll give you a good idea as to whether its something to keep an eye on, or potentially become a backer while its $45/£35 for the First-Person 'MMO' Star Citizen plus the single player campaign Squadron 42.

For those who havent seen much of Star Citizen or Squadron 42, here's a couple of videos of bits of the game.

The first is the (early WIP) introduction to SQ42, you're inside an Idris Frigate, 240 meters long, and this is kind of tour - in SQ42 and SC you'll be able to fly & crew these, and as you'll see the entire ships interior is modelled.

Next is a short landing sequence at Nyx, one of many unique landing zones. The one after is ArcCorp which is currently available in-game now, all the populated landing zones will have areas like this with customs, shops, bars etc.

Last up is the demo they gave the week before Xmas, having the ability to go from being in space to flying down to a planet and then land.

The game in its current state is completely seamless once you've loaded into the universe/Port Olisar, and all of these videos show something that you'll be able to transition too and from. You'll be able to jump into a small fighter, fly down onto a planet, get out and purchase new weapons, fly back out into space and then land inside an Idris or the 1km long Bengal Carrier (also fully modelled interiors) and then get out of the seat and walk around a huge ship like this, and help out, and its all done to incredible levels of detail.

To those who arent following SC, this is kinda the proof of what they're doing and dont just take their/our word for it, try it yourself.
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So... I downloaded this on Monday, but only just had a chance to fire it up.

Tried the training mission - FPS dropped to 2 every few seconds, gave up, fired up Vanduul Swarm, thought it was pretty good.

I tried the Universe, but I couldn't interact with anything, even the automatic doors wouldn't open for me, I had to wait for someone else to go through. Went into a gun shop, couldn't interact with the vendor.

Am I missing something here?

The training mission (which ive never done tbh) isnt in a great state at the moment - its a constantly moving platform and just not possible for them to realistically keep that accurate. Not sure about framerates, but its apparently bugged which isnt a great introduction.

The Universe & presumably the ArcCorp (aka Social Module), are you sure you were pressing the right button? F is the interaction button, it should come up with a double ^ with USE below it.
There is the odd occasion with the airlocks in the Universe where they just dont open, i dont know if thats a player bug (hence someone else being able to open them) or if its server-wide. I've not had issues where i havent been able to interact with anything otherwise, just that 1 type of object (and others will open if i go to them).

Framerate is always going to take a beating, its the state the game is in, and its intention to look glorious too. It'll require 2017-2018 hardware, its Crysis if you could play part of it 2-3yrs before it came out, before any 8800GTXs etc.
The Universe & presumably the ArcCorp (aka Social Module), are you sure you were pressing the right button? F is the interaction button, it should come up with a double ^ with USE below it.
There is the odd occasion with the airlocks in the Universe where they just dont open, i dont know if thats a player bug (hence someone else being able to open them) or if its server-wide. I've not had issues where i havent been able to interact with anything otherwise, just that 1 type of object (and others will open if i go to them).

I wasn't even getting the prompt. Just tried again, in the other... sector? and it seemed to work for a bit, but then suddenly my HUD and weapons all disappeared and I couldn't do anything again...

Had to drop to 1080p as I was getting ~15fps @ 3440x1440 on my 970!!

Seems it has a lot of potential though :)
Theres different types of 'HUD'

F9 is 'mobiGlas' which is like a futuristic mobile
F10 is augmented reality, that puts labels up to tell you peoples names and info about a product like the guns (btw, the guns in ArcCorp are just shop props, the ones in the Universe, that you have to fly to the security outpost, you can pick up and use).
F11 is your friends list
F12 is chat.

The 2 areas are ArcCorp which is the one where you join inside an elevator and can walk around shops, thats the planetside or social module module.
The other location is the Universe or Port Olisar which is where you wake up in a bed and then go spawn a ship, go through airlocks and then fly around.

Not really sure why something would be working and then stop working, the HUD seems plausible you enabled it and then disabled it later? i dont think theres a type of screenshot mode where it hides all the info etc, so if it wasnt the disabling of AR it might have been a bug.
Its typical though, cos ive played about 12-15hrs with a mate over 2 or 3 days and only had a couple of issues. Ships blowing up earlier than expected (bug, weak ship.. dunno), the occasional airlock that ignores me (twice in about 50-100 times ive used one) and i think maybe 2 disconnects (server crash most likely) and 1 game freeze/crash. Thats just the current version, 2.1.

For me the fun is in the multicrew stuff, whether its a handful of people in 1 ship or spread over a couple (ie cargo ship & escorts), im not bothered about doing stuff solo although the campaign should be fun. Im a fan of coop games rather than multiplayer, and this kinda takes it to a new level.
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Not really sure why something would be working and then stop working, the HUD seems plausible you enabled it and then disabled it later? i dont think theres a type of screenshot mode where it hides all the info etc, so if it wasnt the disabling of AR it might have been a bug.

This happened to me too several times over the last few days. The USE icon would just disappear and the only way to get it back was to jiggle the camera about. Sometimes this would work, sometimes it would never reappear. I had this happen using the airlock, using random doors and trying to board craft.
Weird. Thinking about it, there has been occasions when i've been co-pilot, got out to EVA and switch on a Comm station and trying to get back into the seat was screwed up, occasionally the 'use' icon would appear but almost always put me in the wrong seat (its 2x2, and you'd get put in the rear seat not the front) but going into the bed/bunk and out again seemed to fix it.

I guess theres a few silly little issues like that.
Last reminder folks, the single player campaign 'Squadron 42' which features folks like Mark Hamill, Gary Oldman, Gillian Anderson and a handful of other recognisable actors (most people should recognise at least half of the 16 listed) who've done full motion performance capture for the SQ42 campaign, is going to be splitting from the regular Star Citizen game package on Monday, so this weekend is the last opportunity to get both SC and SQ42 for £35.10 (= $45 plus 20% VAT).
If you're not familiar with the SQ42 part, thats a full length single player game, estimated 30+ hours, simply going from mission to mission.

They've also clarified that after Feb 14th it'll be $45 for ONE of the games, and you can get the 2nd for $15, although it isnt clear if you can buy one and then the other later, but the wording sounds that way (ie '+$15 for the other', not '$60 for both').
So at least if you're not a believer yet or want to hold off till release or more is in-game, thats cool, at least you know what waiting entails.

If you scroll up a little to my last post with some videos of whats happening, they're 100% real, in-engine and fully legit played, not just scripted or FMV scenes etc. I'll add a video on the end of this post, im 99% sure this is 'scripted in-engine' like a traditional cut-scene, shown last October.

If you're interested, for now or further down the line, if you use a referral code like mine it'll add $5 worth of in-game credit if/when you eventually buy a package.

Thanks to the guy's who've used it so far, im only on 3 :D but it really is appreciated.

oh, and if i can help by answering questions, gimmi a shout.
Theres another free fly week in progress if anyones interested, runs till the 20th.

This time ALL of the flyable ships can be tried, even rare ones like the Scythe, as well as the multicrew ships.
I think there must be something like 20 different ships, easily double if you count their variants.

I figured i'd continue this thread, rather than start yet another.

edit - 17 flyable unique ships, 32 including variants, another 10 which have a base ship flyable and are in-hangar (need updating), and then theres another handful which aren't flight ready but are in hangar (if you own one).
Aurora (x4)
Mustang (x5)
Avenger (x3)
300 series (x4)
Cutlass (x3, only 1 flyable)
Hornet (x4)
Freelancer (x4, only 1 flyable)
Constellation (x4, only 1 flyable)
Vanguard (x3, only 1 flyable)
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