Free XBOX 360 with carphone warehouse contract

1 Mar 2003
Cotham, Bristol
There has to be a catch?

You're tied in for 18 months, from what i understand the first 6 months are automatically half price

(35/2) * 6 = £105

Second 6 months you get a chequeback every quarter

35 * 3 = £105

So that's £210 for 12 months, the final 6 months is full price so

35 * 6 = £210

So 18 month contract for £420 plus a free Xbox 360?

Is this correct?
Yup, it's not a catch it's just the phone isn't really worth a huge amount because it's nothing special, and it's an 18 month contract which puts a lot of people off.
You'd probably find a cheaper deal if you looked on where there's more 12 month deals and better phones for less. It wouldn't include an X-Box 360 but you'd save enough to be able to afford one for less anyway.
Good example: Same phone, same network, vodafone 275mins 9 months at 99p, remaining 3 at £35 a month so it'd work out as £113 over the year, you'd save £300 so easily be able to get an X-Box 360.

Also bear in mind it's an X-Box 360 core, not the premium.
Haly said:
Yup, it's not a catch it's just the phone isn't really worth a huge amount because it's nothing special, and it's an 18 month contract which puts a lot of people off.
You'd probably find a cheaper deal if you looked on where there's more 12 month deals and better phones for less. It wouldn't include an X-Box 360 but you'd save enough to be able to afford one for less anyway.
Good example: Same phone, same network, vodafone 275mins 9 months at 99p, remaining 3 at £35 a month so it'd work out as £113 over the year, you'd save £300 so easily be able to get an X-Box 360.

Also bear in mind it's an X-Box 360 core, not the premium.

Thanks :), useful as ever, only problem I can see with the above example is no inclusive txts. The one I mentioned gives you 100 txts month hmmmmm :p

I'll look into it a bit more
Haly said:
You sure it does? I can't see anything on inclusive texts and I know in store they don't come with inclusive texts on that particular contract. will be the tariff details.

If you need about 100 texts then I'd recommend O2 or Orange to get them inclusive :) Again e2save has similar deals for both networks.

Yeah I phoned them up and asked, apparently has 100 free texts with all tariffs, at least that's what the sale blokey told me.

Edit: Although looking at that link it looks like I might of been misinformed??? :mad:
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Hmm I'll try to find out for certain for you later (in work later on), if that is the case then I would have thought it'd be the same on e2save (unless it's only on 18 month contracts).
I just tend to trust what's written rather than sales people, never used to trust them before I became one, and I still don't now :p
Right, I can see why he said what he said but he is wrong.
On 18 month vodafone contracts, on Anytime 350 and above you get 100 text messages a month included.
On anything lower than that, you don't.
So I'm afraid you don't get any text messages on that deal. Guessing he just got confused.

Sorry about that.

If the 100 or so text messages are important, I recommend O2 or Orange and to look on e2save for some deals.
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