Friday joke

Joke has no reference to Friday.

The only lion I can remember Rar'ing instead of roaring would be the one from wizard of oz!
What did the lion say to his cubs when he taught them to hunt?

"Don't go over the road till you see the zebra crossing."
What do you get if you cross a swordfish and a hedgehog?

They are separate species, cross breeding would be impossible.
What do you get if you cross a swordfish and a hedgehog?

They are separate species, cross breeding would be impossible.

Nice paying attention in Biology lessons :p

They can cross breed, however the offpsring will be infertile and therefore unable to reproduce.
Nice paying attention in Biology lessons :p

They can cross breed, however the offpsring will be infertile and therefore unable to reproduce.

Don't be daft. They wouldn't produce any offspring. The notion is absurd. The sperm wouldn't even fuse with the eggs.

Cookeh said:
Mhmm, although it would be bloody difficult.

Indeed. As we all know, the hedgehog can never be buggered at all.

Fully expecting that to get edited out, but it'll be worth it for the handful of people who get the reference.
There should be a hi-res random image thread. They have one for the PC Gamers :(.

The reason that would be cool is so people can save them for wallpapers etc.
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