Front panel audi connector to motherboard

7 Oct 2003
Looking at the case and motherboard manuals, it looks like I have to rewire the plug to get the front panel HD audio to work.
However, I'm a bit lost as to what I need to do, so any help would be great.

Top pic is from case, bottom from motherboard manual.

No you don't need to rewire, it's a standard connector. The top image shows the female connector on the front panel wires, and the bottom picture the male pin layout. They are pin compatible.

OT: I was liking the idea of an audi connector for my PC. Vorsprung overclock technique ;)
Cool, so just plug it in, I like that cheers.

Yer you think adding an audi connector, I might get some turbo boost. Open google chrome, psssst dump valve noise after lol.
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