G1 Assassin light

27 Jan 2012
The king of the north!
Hey guys i have only one problem with this amazing board, black and green theme everywhere looks stunning. untill the moment you overclock on it and a bright blue light beams out of it i was wondering if anyone else with this board knows of a way to stop them from coming on, or do i just have to deal with the light show :)?
Any options in the BIOS?

What lights is it that annoy you? theres ones built into the heatsink that can have the power cable pulled out.
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im afraid i never found a solution with it, there was no option in the bios to turn it of as a person who really really likes asthetics i sold that board and im moving onto a 3960x build soon (thatl be going in the watercooled gallery =3 with a nice idea ive had) sorry i cant help you, maby mail gigabyte and il keep looking for you aswell to see if i can get a solution
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