Gadget show mental prizes, or cash - 30%?

10 Dec 2008
For the people here, thinking about winning the gadget show prize probably gets you daydreaming about the madness of it all (well it does me!).

But if you get all serious, would you seriously want '9 of the top-rated remote control helicopters, and 'all our top 15 waterproof cameras' and 3 different 'body boards' even though you live 180 miles from the coast'??

Surely in reality it'd just mean a whole wad of ebaying at < retail prices?

So here's the question .. if offered the choice (theoretical question) would you take the prize in all it's quite mental glory, or the cash value MINUS 30% just bunged in yer bank account job done? If you say 'cash' - what about cash value MINUS 50%?

Me - I'd go for the cash at 30% off, not 50% give me the 9 roller blade sets etc etc! :)

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Agreed, I'd take the cash minus 30%, having seen the show where they delivered it all to the winner a while back I'd end up having to live in a hotel as I'd never get back in the house with it all.
I'd take the tech, and the stuff I didn't want I'd donate to my friends and family.

This really. Though it would depend on whats on offer. One show I was literally drooling over a lot of stuff they were giving away. So, if it was mostly awesome - prizes. If mostly meh - money pl0x.

Though the third option of Suzi would top the list if available.
I'd love the idea of opening everything up, setting it up and playing with everything a few times. But ultimately I know I'd only want the games consoles, the TVs, the computer and the music stuff. Because of this I'd probably just take 70% of the cash value and blow it all on alcohol and then a month later, enter the quiz religiously again.
People still watch the Gadget Show, Christ it got boring years ago nothing but advertisement and a bias one at that, sure some of them got bungs for good "reviews"
I would most likely prefer all of the stuff they offer. Keep all the decent things such as TV's, cameras, consoles, cool gadget etc and give away the stuff that I didn't want or there was something superior to family. It would certainly take care of Christmas shopping instantaneously :p
What happens when you win? Does the TV company just turn up with a big lorry one day? Or do they post everything individually? :p
They wouldn't offer cash instead, as the whole point of the prize haul is that they like to show who wins it and them receiving all the prizes. Secondly, I would imagine a lot of the gear is given to them for free, not just for testing purposes, but it's also advertising. So again, it's quite important the products are seen, rather than swapped out for cash.
What happens when you win? Does the TV company just turn up with a big lorry one day? Or do they post everything individually? :p

They've shown the Winner and Runner Up at the start of the last couple of series.

They do turn up with a small HGV and basically just unload it all until their living room is full of boxes!

It was actually quite amazing to see.
The show has totally become all about the 'challenges' a la Top Gear stylee. I actually find it more entertaining now than before, especially with Pollyanna on it.
People still watch the Gadget Show, Christ it got boring years ago nothing but advertisement and a bias one at that, sure some of them got bungs for good "reviews"

Their 'testing' to find the best laptop bag was absolutely awful. They didn't even use a laptop to test the bag's features :rolleyes:
Aw, it's so cute that you guys don't remember the Bullseye speedboat as a prize for people who lived in landlocked counties, such as Leicestershire (for example).

And those poor losers didn't even have ebay.
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