Game reviewers who to listen to?

9 Dec 2006
Looking for game reviewers that are not the IGN/gamespots of the world.

who do you suggest to listen to, happy for you to suggest youtubers/twitchers or other indie news types
I don't really listen to too many reviews these days. I find Eurogamer and RockPaperShotgun often align with my views though. I do find Gameranx 'before you buy' videos interesting though
I don't really listen to too many reviews these days. I find Eurogamer and RockPaperShotgun often align with my views though. I do find Gameranx 'before you buy' videos interesting though
Yep, me too. Eurogamer tend to cover the bigger titles and RPS will often pick up the smaller, more indie titles but there is crossover of course. There is only one reviewer who I don't trust, who I think might be freelance as she seems to very ocasionally work for both and some of the other review sites, and her reviews are absurdly political. I think she's called Sin something. Anyway, the other reviewers are solid.
It's quite difficult to find a reviewer who shares your own preferences and dislikes, which is key really. It's all preference and the more you watch the more you can predict the outcomes.

Gmanlives is entertaining and does FPS and mods, no other genres though. Generally hits the mark on what plays well.

Worthabuy can be entertaining, but he suffers in quality due to what i feel is being stuck in a negative streak. Some of his opinions lack any depth and often doesn't back it up.

Angryjoeshow seems to share my views more than others. His channel has been going downwards i feel due to more overly long discussions and less well presented opinions. Also plagued with movie reviews the length of movies. Initially he started so strong. He also lost one of his team who did quick fire reviews.

Gameplay videos on YT tend to be enough for me now. If angryjoe doesn't do a review of a full priced game i don't buy it. So these days i just play old/cheap games or mods.

I can't remember any podcasts, but those can be good for long drives or work.
Looking for game reviewers that are not the IGN/gamespots of the world.

who do you suggest to listen to, happy for you to suggest youtubers/twitchers or other indie news types

I think its hard to say, the key thing is to find someone who has the same tastes in games as you, which inevitably means watching/reading them for quite some time to discover that.

As an example, quite a few people like Mack from Worthabuy but his gaming tastes are quite different from mine so theres no point in me using his reviews to make my decisions. Another that a lot of people like is ACG, but again our tastes dont really align.

The only streamer I've found whose gaming tastes and likes and dislikes almost exactly mirror my own is Cohhcarnage, so I do quite often watch him to see what his thoughts are on games as he plays them.
+2 for Mack aka ‘Worthabuy’. Some people say he’s too negative but I just find him realistic. His Far Cry 6 review is hilarious.
+2 for Mack aka ‘Worthabuy’. Some people say he’s too negative but I just find him realistic. His Far Cry 6 review is hilarious.

+ another, I dont watch/read many reviews but I do like Worthabuy, just watched his FC6 review and I wont be buying it, almost did at the weekend but seems to be by the numbers junk. :)
+2 for Mack aka ‘Worthabuy’. Some people say he’s too negative but I just find him realistic. His Far Cry 6 review is hilarious.
he whines and rings the bell too much like a spoilt child.

the novelty wore off really fast with me.

I don't listen to anyone most people are sponsored these days anyway, the big guys just play what people pay them to
I will say this for Worthabuy, he definitely isnt a shill, you will get his honest opinion on games from him, no paid for impressions. But the thing to bear in mind is that his reviews are subjective rather than objective, so he will only give the game review based upon his likes rather than a generalised viewpoint. For example he didnt rate Witcher 3 at all and said it was a terrible RPG, a game which very often tops highest rated games lists. So again it boils down to finding someone who likes the same sorts of games as you.
Another vote for Mac.
I can only assume that we’re on a similar wavelength in game preferences, as I tend to like games that I’ve bought, which he recommends.
For those games he doesn’t like, some very amusing feedback
I tend to try and look for personal reviewers, but even then its more about tryng to find footage of the game, and then judging based on that, or playing a demo of the game.

For me game media I dont really trust anymore, they have to be concerned about sponsorship deals, and also have to be concerned about coming across bitter, so they tend to gloss over or even ignore flaws, and also over emphasise visuals in games vs gameplay. I have seen mainstream media give games high ratings purely because they look nice and barely comment on the gameplay.
worthabuy is the game equivalent of cinemasins, Started off ok then just became stupid. I wouldnt take anything he says seriously

I disagree with the comparison but agree that Mac(WAB) is useless as a reviewer IMO. Cinemasins are obviously a parody channel and always have been 'Entertainment' (thus the "No film is without sin" tag) whereas WAB is meant to be a reviewer of some sorts.

And a salty AF one too.
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