Games like Eve online (minus the online)

9 Jul 2006
I'm looking for a space sim-ish type game which isn't twitch based, anything out there, relatively new that fits the bill? Preferably not an MMO.
X3! Do it!

I have a battle group of an M1 Carrier, with a full complement of Nova's, 2 M2 Destroyers, 6 M6's, and squadron of recon ships! All wreaking havoc in a nearby system! :D
X3 is the big one, must install my copy ox X2 again as im half way through, but not had the time to sit on it all day, takes hours to get anywhere, not sure on X3, i think u can jump straight to the action if u wanted to.

If u want a blast shooter, i recomend FREESPACE 1 AND 2
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