Games with good co-op campaigns?!

30 May 2009
I'm wondering if you can help me:

My girlfriend and I are looking for some games which have good co-op campaign modes (preferably the full game story like a single player).

Preferably shooters, but anything you think is worth a try :)

I'm playing lord of the rings war in the north atm, its built for 3 player co-op play.

I'm playing it single player but I can see it being very fun playing with a mate either online or on the same sofa!
I'd second Borderlands. Quite dull on your own, but I played it with my brother and had some good fun with it.

Saints Row 2 is an old game, but myself and a friend are currently having a blast going through that. 31 hours invested, and we've done about half the story missions and a good few activities. It's just far too easy to get distracted.

I'd imagine Saints Row The Third will be similar if you want something a bit more up-to-date.
Out of interest, has anyone played HL2 co-op using Synergy?

Thanks for the heads up about Borderlands co-op. I have a copy of it, but not played much. I can imagine it being much more fun with 2 people.
Thanks for this :)

Will see what else people suggest here :)

Does it have co-op campaign though? Thought it was just small parts of it you could co-op.

Splinter cell conviction has its own separate co-op campaign which is very good. Also when you finish that there are co-op challenges.

Portal 2, Serious Sam (first and second encounter), Serious Sam 2, Diablo 2, Titan Quest, Rainbox Six Vegas 2.

Dead Island might be good co-op, never tried it myself.

Would recommend you both get a mic if you're in different rooms, especially for Portal 2 and Vegas 2.
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Portal 2, Serious Sam (first and second encounter), Serious Sam 2, Diablo 2, Titan Quest, Rainbox Six Vegas 2.

Dead Island might be good co-op, never tried it myself.

Would recommend you both get a mic if you're in different rooms, especially for Portal 2 and Vegas 2.

Our desks are next to each other, so the mic thing isn't an issue ;)

What is Rainbow Six Vegas like? Is it a tactical FPS?
Wheres cheapest place for Borderlands.. I need a co-op game for the gf also, thinking of getting the 4 pack so I can send one to my brother and sell the 4th copy :)

Wasn't it obscenely cheap at one point like a fiver?
Wheres cheapest place for Borderlands.. I need a co-op game for the gf also, thinking of getting the 4 pack so I can send one to my brother and sell the 4th copy :)

Wasn't it obscenely cheap at one point like a fiver?

It pops up in the Steam sales fairly regularly for silly cheap
Our desks are next to each other, so the mic thing isn't an issue ;)

What is Rainbow Six Vegas like? Is it a tactical FPS?

Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 is wicked. It is pretty tactical, if you run and gun you will die within seconds. You need to work as a team and the game rocks. Once story is done in co-op you can go on and do terrorist hunts. Lots of people including me still play online. I could never get the xbox vision cam to work on the game to create my face in-game. It just crashes when the game tries to start the camera.
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