Gaming benefits of OCing a 930 to 4GHz?

14 Oct 2009
Silicon Valley, USA
Hi guys,

just wondering if there are any FPS benchmarks out there that show the real world performance increase in games if I whack my i7 930 up to 4GHz rather than stock?

I will be OCing no matter, but I was curious.
Thanks for any help.

Some games do, but the majority won't.

Some examples of games that will make use of the extra speed are Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and GTA 4. Also, X3 seems to make use of the extra speed.

I can't find a good benchmark showing the benefits of an overclocked i7 in GTA4 - but believe me, that game it loves extra CPU speed. When I OCd my i7 920 - the performance increase was tangible.

This article clearly shows a number of games where extra CPU speed does not mean much (if any) increased performance.
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The difference in Starcraft 2 is night and day when there is lots going on. I was playing at my Q6600 stock setting 2.4ghz then put to 3.6ghz. 4 players on a big map with lots going on = cpu usuage.

Goes the same for Supreme Commander etc
i get big boost in all games by having my 2.66ghz 920 @ 3.8ghz but i think its because stock CPU bottlenecks my gfx cards
Also, anything ran in DosBox loves CPU power, as do games ran on MAME emulator such as Ridge Racer and newer games.

On 2.4ghz I was only able to play the game Blood using 640x480 mode and would drop to 20fps sometimes. At 3.8ghz it plays fine in 800x600. 1024x768 still runs slow but im sure 5ghz processors will play it fine
Wow is cpu intensive but i have played with i7 at 2.6, 4 and 4.2Ghz and theres not much in it. 4.2 in a 40man raid was a tad better but most bennifit when using a i7 in wow is to chnage te core affinty in the WTF. (google will explain :))
The general assumption can be that the newer the game, the more power hungry it will be and so the more you will benefit.
There are obviously many excaptions though. This is just a rough rule.
You won't really see much differance overclocking a core i7 atm Since they outscale 3d cards to much at the moment maybe see big differance between stock n OC cpu time the 6950 hits hehe
i think you could pretty much run the i7 @ stock on all games i dont believe any game is that much cpu based for an i7 @ stock not tobe able to cope with...most games bar a few are gpu based...but hey dont we all overclock to some degree anyway...
3.6Ghz is the sweet spot for i7's. Read an indepth review on what OCing i7's yeilded, the conclusion was if you are looking to OC aim for 3.6. Any more than that and the performance increase is minimal to none in games, temps and power consumption increase dramatically after 3.6 and CPU lifespan shortens much quicker went running at its limits.

My 2 cents.
Yeah think ill experiment around 3.6GHz to start with, see if I notice any improvements. Would be a waste to have my NH-D14 bending my motherboard up if it wasnt cooling an OCd processor :D.
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