Gaming monitor

3 Jan 2005
Right been wading through loads of threads and still not show what to get.

Was using this site as a guide:
(has links to other places so feel free to remove mods if im breaking rules)

The Samsung PX2370 seemed to be in my price range which is £180 max but can't find it anywhere

So have been thinking for going for -

Instead, any other recommendations for my price range. Going to be playing BF3 mainly
I bought this one:

It has better connectivity than the Samsung and also has 2ms response time but better contrast ratio.

Don't get bogged down or confuse the OP with Dynamic Contrast ratios. I have tested 2 ASUS VE247Hs in the past and recorded around 850:1 static contrast ratios on both. Overall performance was very good but that isn't beating the 1120:1 I recorded on the S24A350H. :)

@ OP

They are both very good monitors but the Samsung does have the slight edge as its pixel overdrive is better implemented, contrast is better and the colour reproduction is a little stronger. If you have some time on your hands read this review of the 27" version. Performance of the 24" SA350H is very similar so this should give you a good idea of what to expect. And just a final note - the PX2370 has been discontinued and replaced by the SA350 and SA550 series (the S23A550H, really). The negligible input lag, well implemented overdrive and good overall performance has certainly carried over to the S24A350H - but you need some better sources for your information than the website you linked to. So well done for coming here ;)
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