Garden renovation in December/January a bad idea?

6 Mar 2010
I'm looking to get my garden renovated, and have found a company who has given me a quote that I'm looking to go with, but they've given me a date to book in at the beginning of December. My gut instinct is that any major garden renovation work smack bang in the middle of Winter is kinda bad news. Frozen ground, potential delays with suppliers and such being the Christmas period (not to mention they themselves will need time off at Christmas), giving access to the outdoor taps while it's freezing and risking the pipe freezing...

Am I better off waiting till Jan/Feb time (I'm aware I will most likely need a re-quote)?
Generally I'd say Jan/Feb is colder than December, so of the two, December would be better. You shouldn't get delays with suppliers if you're ordering before Christmas, because they aren't "Christmas" products. Otherwise, just wait until Spring.
Generally, landscape gardeners undertake bigger projects like this throughout the winter months whilst everythings died back and they have less of the garden maintenance work to do. I wouldn't be too concerned about them beginning early December given the 1st is actually the start of the meteorological winter!
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My worry would be if it's a really wet winter.

The garden will be a muddy mess so just make sure the workers don't have to go through your house! It'll take them longer too I'd think, too wet to work, things taking longer to set etc. It might not look the same in the summer once it's all dried out. What planting can you do in winter anyway?
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