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Geforce Titan rumours.

It's getting a bit silly now!

Where is this thousand pound nonsense coming from the standard cards are still availble for 859 & 899 for the factory overclocked EVGA.

Not a lot more than a bit? it's entering the Quadro prices.

Imagine it, years to come.... the low end card market becomes £300 when it was once high end. Wasn't it 2009 £300 for a 5870? then £500 - £600 for high end cards. Now look at it. And so many people whine about consoles holding things back and they wonder why?

£200 - £300 for a console vs a £700 - £900 graphics card.

Just finished reading a review that said "The Titan is a great benchmark card but honestly in game at 2560x1440 or below you will struggle to tell it apart from a 680 or 7970."

I'm curious...

Hoping mine might arrive tomorrow but unlikely now.

That made me curious. ^^ Are you a hardware reviewer? you have two 7970's yeah? hence the curiosity of not seeing any difference.
Just finished reading a review that said "The Titan is a great benchmark card but honestly in game at 2560x1440 or below you will struggle to tell it apart from a 680 or 7970."

Hoping mine might arrive tomorrow but unlikely now.

Lack of ability to tweak the voltage +30% means this is not really a benchers card either. We really needed to see some sort of flexibility over the volts for the watercooling community but nobody seems to be offering it.
I'm curious...

That made me curious. ^^ Are you a hardware reviewer? you have two 7970's yeah? hence the curiosity of not seeing any difference.

At the moment I have a 7970, 2 x 7950, 690 and a pair of 680's but nope I'm no reviewer. I build Pc's for people as a hobby in my early retirement It keeps me from going mad. I was in the forces for 16 years and was the IT guy so built up quite a list of customers and also quite a few suppliers.

It does mean I get to play with all the toys for free though which is nice. :)
Wow. Nice price increases. I want something faster than my 7970, but refuse to pay a grand for a gpu which performs 30% better.

Amd could really counter this with a tweaked 7970 of some sort and would sell a ton if they priced it correctly.
Wow. Nice price increases. I want something faster than my 7970, but refuse to pay a grand for a gpu which performs 30% better.

Amd could really counter this with a tweaked 7970 of some sort and would sell a ton if they priced it correctly.

AMD might have to throw in the towel for the moment as according to reports they have not got the resources for a counter blow right now. Hopefully later this year/early 2014 they can provide something to put NVIDIA in check.
AMD will be back with a card to counter this (towards the end of the year maybe) and this is needed. Hopefully not as expensive as Titan though.

We need the competition flowing, as it wouldn't be good to have a sole GPU distributor.
Given the price point, do AMD really need to counter this unless they beat it for lot less money?

The new AMD (former Nvidia guy) PR guy (I am shocking with names) said that the GPU wars was very much alive. I do hope and prey that newer cards don't follow this price though, because I don't think my marriage could last another 2 new cards this year :D
I'd be surprised if Nvidia are making money out of these. More an aspirational card to keep them at the top of the tables.

If you consider the actual cost per card accounting for dealer profit, vat , import taxes etc. Along with the number of units for sale and the Marketing budget pushed at this... it's break even at best.

Performance is pretty much where you'd expect for more cuda cores and less clock speed which shows the tech scales. Just a shame the process makes the die huge.

AMD just need to keep doing what it's doing. Make cards with comparable performance to the other mainstream cards and sell them cheaper. eg. 7950 and below.

Worring thing is that the Titan indicates the performance we'll expect from the next gen 22nm cards which will have the same number of transistors in a smaller die. Performance may get a little cheaper next year but not necessarily faster.

It will be an interesting few years when you consider all the revenue AMD will have coming in from the PS4/Xbox 720 contracts.

I think Nvidia are making money on this, maybe its not huge but I really don't think they would sell it at a loss regardless of what it represented.
Unfortunately for us AMD have big contracts with Sony and MS for both graphics chips and cpu's for both the new consoles, so they will be putting maximum resources into that as it is worth a lot of money to them.

The Titan was planned by Nvidia to be launched when AMD had little resources to counter it and too maximise profit. As there is nothing that really competes Nvidia and retailers can ramp the price up to silly levels as people will pay. Until something comes along to compete it will remain high.

All the talk of low yields is PR trash talk. Nvidia have been producing this GPU for quite a while. 18,000 of them power the Titan supercomputer and there is talk of another being built. Any yield problems would have been long gone. Nvidia held on to Titan awaiting a hole in the market before letting it loose. AMD winning contracts on both consoles and being tied up with both is the perfect time for Nvidia.

That's what I think anyway and I have one on order.. :)
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The new AMD (former Nvidia guy) PR guy (I am shocking with names) said that the GPU wars was very much alive. I do hope and prey that newer cards don't follow this price though, because I don't think my marriage could last another 2 new cards this year :D

I hear that.
Another downside of this becoming a continuing trend is that it pushes PC gaming even further into elitist territory.

Not saying anyone that buys a Titan is an elitist or anything. I'm sure you know what I mean :)
Unfortunately for us AMD have big contracts with Sony and MS for both graphics chips and cpu's for both the new consoles, so they will be putting maximum resources into that as it is worth a lot of money to them.

I understand what you are saying, but surely, they won the contracts quite some time ago, they have designed the chips, all that will happen now is they will be manufactured in mass. Do AMD fab their own chips? I didn't think they did but maybe I am out of touch with that. In which case, the hard work is done surely? Other than providing technical support and so on the actual design is done.

In which case, sit back and get the profits!! ;) And release a 7980..or something. I don't want a lot quicker, maybe 25%. I would buy it tomorrow. Someone has to stop suppliers and Nvidia getting away with charging a grand for a single GPU. Its sheer crazy.
I hear that.
Another downside of this becoming a continuing trend is that it pushes PC gaming even further into elitist territory.

Not saying anyone that buys a Titan is an elitist or anything. I'm sure you know what I mean :)

I understand fully. I would like to think us enthusiasts don't get priced out of the market, because if that happens, we will all be on PS4's and XPox's.

Us PC enthusiasts always bounce though, I remember the Amiga dieing and my whole world caved in. I then found PC's and my new love afair had started. The 89xx and 7xx series will give us more of an indication of what will happen.
Don't know why people are so up in arms about Titan, not like it's the first boutique card. Anyone remember that oddity, what was it called... Bitchin' Fast 3D X2000 something? :D
That's what I think anyway and I have one on order.. :)

Will be interesting to see. From the pictures, it's one of the slickest looking cards I've ever seen.

Don't know why people are so up in arms about Titan, not like it's the first boutique card.

You've not heard of the powers of advertising?

Anyone remember that oddity, what was it called... Bitchin' Fast 3D X2000 something? :D

I was thinking of the GX2. That created a storm?
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