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Geforce Titan rumours.

Agreed, also the Titan will be more powerful than the PS4 from the getgo so not sure what that poster meant, you could buy a Titan today and will probably last the entire lifespan of the PS4 :p. Not to mention games on PC are cheaper in some case free, over the course of it's lifetime the PS4 will drain far more money.. Each game £45 a pop...

You don't even need to spend Titan money to beat consoles lol..

Exactly. And it's the same issue as ever, with any product that's just been released. In 1 year something twice as fast/good will be here. It's all about choosing to be at the cutting edge or not. Both is fine! But why people insist on whining on and on and bloody ON about a product being overpriced I just don't know. It's NOT overpriced. It's VERY competitively priced considering it's power and use for CUDA and other things.... If you want the best, you pay for it. If you don't, you don't! Simple... and people should be grateful they have the choice. At least today's top games still run on 1 year old hardware... it's totally unnecessary to buy the very top end gear, but for those who want it and have the cash... WHY NOT? And why begrudge their doing it? Imagine if Nvidia and AMD were only producing affordable mid-end gear and not releasing stuff like this. No innovation would happen. This has been the way since the beginning of the computing industry. It's just pure jealousy to me and people need to get a reality check....
I was never going to keep it for long just maybe a bit longer than half hour. I had a build planned in a couple of weeks I was going to use it in.

I'm not buying at the current prices, I chucked in a DGX soundcard I had lying around as well to sweeten the deal and accepted £900.

Ha, sounds like you got a good deal there. I'm planning on keeping my Titan for a long while..

Once I get hold of an Ivybidge E CPU, planning on keeping this setup 'as is' for a few years.. Maybe upgrade again at 'Skylake' and 'Einstein' coming after Maxwell.
I was never going to keep it for long just maybe a bit longer than half hour. I had a build planned in a couple of weeks I was going to use it in.

I'm not buying at the current prices, I chucked in a DGX soundcard I had lying around as well to sweeten the deal and accepted £900.

If You had put it in the PC instead of looking at it you might have had 30 mins of fun also :D
HAs everyone not received their Titans yet? I thought these were supposed to be parts binned from their K20's? Surely should be an easy task of flapping them on a board with heat sink on etc. Ah, maybe they actually got put in the skips outside NVidia and it's taking a while to go through the bins (possibly scraping food remains off?). Or maybe these are not binned chips afterall? :P
HAs everyone not received their Titans yet? I thought these were supposed to be parts binned from their K20's? Surely should be an easy task of flapping them on a board with heat sink on etc. Ah, maybe they actually got put in the skips outside NVidia and it's taking a while to go through the bins (possibly scraping food remains off?). Or maybe these are not binned chips afterall? :P

No, it's the time and motion guy at the end of the production line, shouting "slow down, you won't get you overtime and we won't get high dollar" :D
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