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Geforce Titan rumours.

Purchase self justification is all that is needed.

If you can justify spending £900 on one PC component, go for it. If not, then drop down to the next best at ~£300 which is an MSI 7970...If that still seems too much, then you have the 670 and 7950. All will cope nicely with todays current games (except maybe Crysis 3) and you shouldn't have to alter settings too much for your 1600P monitor :)

Fixed that for you ;)
Purchase self justification is all that is needed.

If you can justify spending £900 on one PC component, go for it. If not, then drop down to the next best at ~£400 which is eith a 680 or 7970...If that still seems too much, then you have the 670 and 7950. All will cope nicely with todays current games (except maybe Crysis 3) and you shouldn't have to alter settings too much for your 1600P monitor :)

I've finished messing about with my car now, so yes no justification is needed. My ultimate goal is kickass power and as quiet as possible. Really not keen on watercooling but that's not for this thread. I'm sure I'll end up with a beast only to end up playing Minecraft and stuff from GOG :rolleyes:
Fixed that for you ;)

No no, you fixed that to suit you.


What I find quite sad is the emails I get from various people asking me my thoughts on what to buy. A few have said they wanted to post but didn't want to get ripped for wanting to buy an Nvidia card. I see what they mean now.
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Because some are very shy about it and don't want conflict when they ask. I could care less. If I want something and don't know about it like others do, I'll ask:)

I was on about the guys that have to sit in the AMD or Nvidia camp and shoot down anyone who doesn't share their absolute view of what's what :)

This applies to so much more than just GPU's. It's a sickness of humanity on virtually every subject.
Have a look in GD for example ;)
Gibbo advised the ordering of the Asus ones rather than the Gigabyte ones as there were much more of the Asus ones coming in and they were the same price as the Gigabytes last Thursday.

Looks like there are some gigabyte ones left over from the orders made and I've now got to wait maybe a couple more days for more Asus ones to arrive.

The big kid in me is having a impatience tantrum :D
Gibbo advised the ordering of the Asus ones rather than the Gigabyte ones as there were much more of the Asus ones coming in and they were the same price as the Gigabytes last Thursday.

Looks like there are some gigabyte ones left over from the orders made and I've now got to wait maybe a couple more days for more Asus ones to arrive.

The big kid in me is having a impatience tantrum :D

I ordered Asus as well.:(
No no, you fixed that to suit you.


What I find quite sad is the emails I get from various people asking me my thoughts on what to buy. A few have said they wanted to post but didn't want to get ripped for wanting to buy an Nvidia card. I see what they mean now.

It is a shame; but us mods are trying to address this. You've seen greater prescence from us within these threads, the announcement at the top and so forth.

People should be allowed to post, whilst those who cause trouble, RTM the posts and let us deal with them.

Huddy does a tonne of work around this forum in dealing with people and we will address this further to try and get sensible discussions going.
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