German court rules circumcision is 'bodily harm'

I was circumcised for medical reasons, and my childhood was negatively impacted, not by the procedure, but by those people, like many of those in this forum who think I was "mutilated" or "have the end of my knob cut off". Thanks for making me feel like rubbish, like a mutant, like a second rate man.

Its funny, I agree it shouldn't be forced on children at all, its not right to make that decision for them. Just try engaging your brain before you you make such sweeping, upsetting generalizations in the name of making your point.

Sorry for the hurt baby rant :rolleyes: Considering I haven't even told my best friend , do me a favor and be gentle, it took balls. No pun intended.

When someone cuts off a body bit FOR NO REASON, it is mutilation, kids not knowing what circumcision is, is nothing but poor education and the general English ideal of never talking about anything that could remotely be deemed sexual, which is incidentally why your parents obviously didn't tell you what circumcision was, how common it was, how no one sensible will laugh at you and girls won't care.

Kids, predominantly boys, bully each other, even friends, by picking on the thing they decide makes them different and pointing it out as often as possible. It had nothing to do with your circumcision, that was just what they picked out, none of the problems associated with being shy with girls and the like would have happened if someone, parent/doctor had simply told you more about it.

In your case, I blame the people who left you to feel different without explaining anything, and kids are generally mean, but I blame them also. There were people out there who knew it was normal and didn't tell you, its entirely on them.

YOu had a medical procedure, no one here thinks you were mutiliated or have something wrong with you.

I completely understand where you are coming from, but your anger is with the wrong people and you're mixing up kids saying multilated for the way its being used in this thread. Uninformed kids called you names, and informed people saying a parent FORCING their child to have bits cut off without their consent aren't the same, even if the same word is used.

If teachers explained circumcision, and your parents or doctor had told you how common it was and how girls won't think its weird, 90% of your fears about being different simply wouldn't have been there.
Bunch of xenophobes on this forum. I think all that alcohol has killed or mutated a few brain cells. Parents have an obligation to educate and carry out whatever ritual they desire on their children. How is this any different to those parents who have their child's ear pierced without their child's consent?

Jesus loves you!!!

The fact that someone out there might even have this as a legitimate point of view scares me.
I'm circumcised as I'm Jewish... I don't care though. If I was getting it done now I probably would care.

Don't see it as a bad or good decision.
Phimosis :D Yeast infection, Smegma smell and the added effort in cleaning yourself. Just the meer fact you have gunk in you penis makes me want to vomit! And yes it does look so much better!

if kid a hits 16/18 and decides ''you know what dad im too lazy too clean my knob so im going to get circumcised'' then fair enough

but done at young age with no choice its just barbaric imo
I would expect it to just drive the drive the barbaric practice underground, how is the government to police it stop and search Jewish/Muslim boys to see if they have a foreskin? :p

you do realise doctors will occasionally be able to pick up on this sort of thing...

medicals etc... if they had a legal requirement to report circumcisions etc.. then following up and charging the parents is feasible.
Honestly doc, I don't know how it happened, we woke up one morning and his foreskin had vanished. You don't think he ate it do you?
This is fundamentally wrong as it infringes on the right of parents to decide what is best for their child, that includes what faith it will be taught.
Either there is freedom of religion or there isn't, and banning this is banning a central part of Jewish faith, it is a rite of passage for them.

Still, nothing like having a pop at people's beliefs if they don't match yours.

Here's an idea - how about letting the child decide whats best once he grows up and is able to make the decision himself.

Pandering to sensitive parent vs mutilating someone without consent - I don't think the parents rights come first here...

while in lots of cases a child indoctrinated into believing in whatever magical sky pixie nonsense his parents believe in will choose to have it done I wouldn't be surprised if this declined in future - god bothering being less popular as people become better educated
Here's an idea - how about letting the child decide whats best once he grows up and is able to make the decision himself.

religion is not about decision or choice.... it has to be forced on children... that's why Christians don't decide to become Muslim etc etc etc... (a very few may get bored and swap i admit)
Pretty much this. It sounds like a law made with great intentions, but may in fact do more harm than good when devoutly religious parents seek to perform genital mutilation on their children without the proper care of a doctor.

They already do... Rabbis will perform circumcision...

stranger still - these weirdo Rabbi types will actually suck on the baby's penis afterwards... 100 deaths a year in the USA as a result... from contracting diseases following the procedure - even herpes....

not being funny but if someone were to invent a religion that involved mutilating then sucking the genitals of children then I think the police would be asking some serious questions... but its ok for Jews because they've been at it for thousands of years

This really needs to be banned in the UK too.
The Gentleman on TV this morning also stated it wasn't done for religious reasons...although he did not expand on why it was done.

I was a little bit taken aback by the guy who said he was "devastated" by his circumcision. I just felt he was overreacting.
this seems like acceptable behavior in a modern society:



Oh yeah - forgot to mention - anesthetic not often considered...
religion is not about decision or choice.... it has to be forced on children... that's why Christians don't decide to become Muslim etc etc etc... (a very few may get bored and swap i admit)

Many people find religion by themselves.

They already do... Rabbis will perform circumcision...

stranger still - these weirdo Rabbi types will actually suck on the baby's penis afterwards... 100 deaths a year in the USA as a result... from contracting diseases following the procedure - even herpes....

not being funny but if someone were to invent a religion that involved mutilating then sucking the genitals of children then I think the police would be asking some serious questions... but its ok for Jews because they've been at it for thousands of years

This really needs to be banned in the UK too.

Are you trolling or are you just a complete moron?

No self respecting rabbi would even consider such a thing. Take your borderline anti Semitic BS elsewhere. Try the BNP forums :rolleyes::mad:
Here's an idea - how about letting the child decide whats best once he grows up and is able to make the decision himself.
Their children, their rules.
As parents go you could do a lot worse than have Jews as parents, I've never met a Jew who wasn't both intelligent and successful.

African tribes have ritual scarring, some kids have tattoos, this is all part of an initiation into whatever tribe or society they are part of. Given that Jews are a very tight knit group rituals like this are quite significant. They make a big deal about doing everything exactly as it was 2000 years ago, even mealtimes are a ritual.

god bothering being less popular as people become better educated
And our societies are becoming so much nicer as we all decide to do whatever we feel like... :o

Your post is basically what is behind this, basic dislike of religion in any form and a rejection of anything positive about it.
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