German court rules circumcision is 'bodily harm'

Yes, you most definitely are failing to understand, as that's not what I'm comparing.


Of course a child's education is permanent

removal of the kids forskin is permanant and the deciscion is made by another

when someone decides to stop going college/uni the decision is usually made by the person themself and even if they did decide to stop at 16 what is to stop them going back later in life and getting a better education ?
Fair enough, that's why i thought you might have had a snip, save having the misuses on birth control :p

Shes fitted with an implant dear. :D

wanted to ask some advice i think you may be able to help with will send it via trust email :)
I don't have my trust enabled as there are a lot of toilet floaters that frequent these forums, that would more than likely send me unpleasant messages just to get a rise out of me.
Oh tank remember it's Tefal you're talking to, not having trust enabled doesn't mean i don't have your email :p

sent you a message :)
sent one just to confirm I'm thinking right in thinking you're the person to ask before i get into it :)
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