German court rules circumcision is 'bodily harm'

Thats OK, because no one is arguing that consenting adults shouldn't be allowed to get circumsized if they so wish.
circumsion is fairly innocuous, bad tattoos make a person look like an idiot. I know which I would prefer. I doubt a stupid person has any more control over what they do to themselves than a child.

If one group wants to separate itself from the rest by performing a fairly harmless ritual then I don't see the problem. Jews will always be separate and will always see themselves as different, it's not like anyone born a Jew is anything like the Chav down the road, it seems ridiculous to pretend that if we stopped them cutting themselves they would magically become just like us.
Lolreligion is not the centre of the universe.
Why did that ever start anyway?

Two reasons:

Judaism. Some religions practice ritual mutilation as a form of initiation and permanent identification as a follower. Judaism is one of them. Islam likewise, as it's a spin-off from Judaism. Christianity dropped it, I don't know why. Maybe just to differentiate itself from Judaism in the early days.

Masturbation hysteria. This is the root cause of most male genital mutilation in the USA, although most of the people who inflict it on their sons don't even know that. There was an absolutely insane frenzy about masturbation in the 19th century and genital mutilation of infants (for both sexes, but especially boys) was promoted with hysterical fervour as a way to prevent people masturbating later. I know that sounds like conspiracy nutjobbery, but it was recent enough and widespread enough for their to be a huge quantity of extant original material confirming it.
circumsion is fairly innocuous, bad tattoos make a person look like an idiot. I know which I would prefer. I doubt a stupid person has any more control over what they do to themselves than a child.

If one group wants to separate itself from the rest by performing a fairly harmless ritual then I don't see the problem. Jews will always be separate and will always see themselves as different, it's not like anyone born a Jew is anything like the Chav down the road, it seems ridiculous to pretend that if we stopped them cutting themselves they would magically become just like us.
Lolreligion is not the centre of the universe.

No, it's a useful tactic for people to use to try to divert attention away from inconvenient points that they can't reply to.

People are not arguing that Jews shouldn't be allowed to mutilate themselves because they think their god likes it. You (and others) are using "lolreligion" as a tool to discredit the real argument by pretending that it's just "lolreligion".

The real argument is about when it is acceptable to inflict permanent mutilation on children.

The position people are really taking is that it's only acceptable when medically advisable.

Can you argue against that position, the argument that people are actually making, and not just dismiss it by saying "lolreligion"?
Well most of us are saying it's fine if it's for medical reasons, and if people want it, but primarily that Jewish boys should not be circumcised until they or of a sufficient age to make an informed decision, and not have the decision left to their parents.
That explains the rubbish your spouting. So were you baptized, did you have a christening when you were born?
Baptism isn't the same as genital mutilation.

I find it amusing that you have the nerve to say RDM is speaking rubbish.
That explains the rubbish your spouting. So were you baptized, did you have a christening when you were born?

I would hope that, in fact, an atheist/agnostic would spout more rubbish considering they are unlikely to believe myths and tales created by faiths.

I am an atheist/agnostic and was christened, and I wish I hadn't been, but at least it doesn't involve permanent mutilation.
Has anyone here had an adult circumcision?

A few months ago for medical reasons and I am still recovering, though at this point it is pretty much back to normal and there is no general discomfort at all.

How painful lect was it afterwards,
Not very painful at all tbh so long as I did not move around much, however after a week or so(when it was feeling much better and I thought would heal very quickly) I got a pretty nasty infection which was very painful 24/7 for about 4-5 days. After that it did heal quickly and the pain was bearable straight away and totally gone in 2-3 weeks. I imagine I would have been very happy with the recovery had I not got an infection tbh.
and as an adult obviously there is the fact that you get erections can they bust the stitches (if there are any)/cause pain for a time afterwards?
I did not burst the stitches, but very nearly, and it was absolute agony, as obviously erections are uncontrollable during the night. It was agony waking up during the night/in the morning!

The main cause of discomfort for me has come simply from walking around as it brushes against my boxers, though that is something I will have to just get used to. It is certainly a bit weird to have a big change like that.

As I said earlier, I would like to see it banned for children, but in my circumstances, I wish my parents had decided for me when I was younger as it would have saved me a lot of discomfort!
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That explains the rubbish your spouting. So were you baptized, did you have a christening when you were born?

Baptism doesn't create any lasting effects; even from a religious point of view, the child can choose not to be confirmed. I was baptised and I don't bear any ill will towards my parents for this, because to an atheist like me, it means precisely squat.
That explains the rubbish your spouting. So were you baptized, did you have a christening when you were born?

It's "you're" by the way. If you are going to insult my lack of faith at least do it correctly...

I was christened before I was one, it being a few dribbles of water there was no lasting harm done. Unlike having a bit of my body being cut off. If you can honestly not see the different between a christening and circumcision then I truly fear for your ability to think.
circumsion is fairly innocuous, bad tattoos make a person look like an idiot. I know which I would prefer. I doubt a stupid person has any more control over what they do to themselves than a child.

If one group wants to separate itself from the rest by performing a fairly harmless ritual then I don't see the problem. Jews will always be separate and will always see themselves as different, it's not like anyone born a Jew is anything like the Chav down the road, it seems ridiculous to pretend that if we stopped them cutting themselves they would magically become just like us.
Lolreligion is not the centre of the universe.

At no point have I used the "lolreligion" card so I am unsure a to why you are bringing it up. Your dislike of tattoos is pretty irrelevant to the conversation to be honest as it is not generally done to non consenting infants. If it was, for what ever reason, I would be equally opposed.
Craterloads, I'm not dismissing anything you say just because my opinion differs. Please, can you explain factually what the hygiene benefits are? All you've said so far is based on your opinion which, although just as important as everyone elses in it's own right, is actually based on things that are not true.

Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday, had a 6 hour drive to tackle.

First of all would just like to say I completely understand and can sympathise with many opinions on here regarding giving the child the choice later in life, it's perfectly reasonable. For some, these opinions are genuine, but for others it seems to be a too good opportunity to not jump on the bash religion bandwagon. Those people know who they are and so do others.

A lot of people are basing their opinions on pure misinformation and just general ignorance. For example: -

report the parents of a baby that has suddenly had its nob chopped off.

A piercing is not in the same class as castration, only someone silly would think that.

Another point I would like to make is by calling it "mutilation" and throwing the term "mutilate" around at every opportunity does NOT strengthen your case, just shows how desperate you are and I would go as far as saying it's an injustice to people who actually have been mutilated. I'm sure child beggars in India who have limbs mutilated, so they are more effective beggars, are glad the horrors of circumcision are being discussed in the same light.

One of the main reasons being offered by you guys for the term "mutilation" goes along the line of the dulling of sensitivity in the area which results in an less pleasurable experience. As mentioned by Pate & Richdog, who then went on with "supporting" evidence.

It also causes permanent desensitisation of the penis, and in the worst cases can permanently affect your ability to get an erection.

It does affect how your body performs, it dulls the sensitivity and makes sex less pleasurable.

First let's put this "myth" to bed.

Now there is evidence that circumcised men have the same degree of penis sensitivity as those who are uncircumcised. In a report from the Montefiore Medical Center to the American Urological Association this year no statistical difference was found between 43 uncircumcised and 36 circumcised men subjected to a variety of measures of sensitivity . These included response to vibration , pressure , spatial perception and warm and cold thermal thresholds.
Montefiore Medical Center to the American Urological Association -

As you can see from the above evidence uncircumcised and circumcised men share the exact same sensitivity, there in no dulling in sensation and hence no dulling in the pleasurability of sex.

Why is circumcision performed and does it have any health benefits?

Primarily circumcision is performed for religious reasons by both Jews and Muslims as has all ready been mentioned in this thread. In America it is popular due to health reasons and not beacuse of religion.

Now most of you who oppose circumcisions have been clamouring for what health benefits or benefits circumcision provides. In no particular order of importance.

1) Smegma production/formation is pretty much eradicated. Given the fact I didn't even know what Smegma was until yesterday is a proving point. According too many it produces a foul smell and requires daily cleaning. Also referred too as **** cheese, which from experience girls prefer giving oral to a clean circumcised penis.

2) Bundled together from -

1 Many older men, who have bladder or prostate gland problems, also develop difficulties with their foreskins due to their surgeon's handling, cleaning, and using instruments. Some of these patients will need circumcising. Afterwards it is often astonishing to find some who have never ever seen their glans (knob) exposed before!

2 Some older men develop cancer of the penis - about 1 in 1000 - fairly rare, but tragic if you or your son are in that small statistic. Infant circumcision gives almost 100% protection, and young adult circumcision also gives a large degree of protection.

3 Cancer of the cervix in women is due to the Human Papilloma Virus. It thrives under and on the foreskin from where it can be transmitted during intercourse. An article in the British Medical Journal in April 2002 suggested that at least 20% of cancer of the cervix would be avoided if all men were circumcised. Surely that alone makes it worth doing?

4 Protection against HIV and AIDS. Another British Medical Journal article in May 2000 suggested that circumcised men are 8 times less likely to contract the HIV virus. (It is very important here to say that the risk is still far too high and that condoms and safe sex must be used - this applies also to preventing cancer of the cervix in women who have several partners.)

A BBC television programme in November 2000 showed two Ugandan tribes across the valley from one another. One practised circumcision and had very little AIDS, whereas, it was common in the other tribe, who then also started circumcising. This programme showed how the infection thrived in the lining of the foreskin, making it much easier to pass on.

5 As with HIV, so some protection exists against other sexually transmitted infections. Accordingly, if a condom splits or comes off, there is some protection for the couple. However, the only safe sex is to stick to one partner or abstain.

6 Lots of men, and their partners, prefer the appearance of their penis after circumcision, It is odour-free, it feels cleaner, and they enjoy better sex. Awareness of a good body image is a very important factor in building self confidence.

7 Balanitis is an unpleasant, often recurring, inflammation of the glans. It is quite common and can be prevented by circumcision.

8 Urinary tract infections sometimes occur in babies and can be quite serious. Circumcision in infancy makes it 10 times less likely.

3) As mentioned by Noughtboy -The reduction of HIV transmission by 51% to 60% ceteris paribus

4) As mentioned by Noughtboy - It reduces the risk of acquiring HPV by 35% and Herpes Simplex 2 by 28% (again both ceteris paribus)

5) Circumcision reduces the risk of developing a urinary tract infection (UTI), such as a bladder infection. (NHS)

6) Circumcision reduces the risk of getting some types of sexually transmitted infections such as HIV. (NHS)

7) Circumcision reduces the risk of developing cancer of the penis. (NHS)

8) Paraphimosis

9) Balanoposthitis

10) Research in Africa found that heterosexual circumcised men are 38-66% less likely to contract HIV than uncircumcised men.

It is thought that the foreskin contains special cells that attract the cells of the HIV virus. This means that uncircumcised men who have vaginal sex with an HIV positive woman are more likely to develop the infection

11) My own personal favourite reason for circumcision is :p - Prince Charles and his brothers are circumcised! Yes the future King of England is circumcised, its only patriotic to follow suit.

Now for me, any one of these health benefits would warranty circumcision of any children I may have in the future. It's my opinion based off actual health benefits for my child. If you do not feel any of these health benefits warrant circumcision then please feel free to not have your children circumcised, but DONT try to force them on to us who do feel it is warranted for OUR children.
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Yeah, we've already established there are good reasons to circumcise, but also that none of those reasons apply to a baby being circumcised for religious reasons.
Why do all the STI reasons matter, unless you support statutory rape (as people can just get circumcised when they reach the age of consent, if they so wish)?

Why wait? we dont wait for age of consent for scar inducing vaccine jabs, although they do offer even greater benifits.

My scar is particularly bad compared to others, in fact i dont wear short sleeved t-shirts because of it.

Do you think STI's are only passed around from rape :confused:
Because vaccine jabs actually help protect against a genuine risk a child will face, before they can consent.

Getting circumcised to help protect against HIV infection, before the age of consent, isn't directly comparable (firstly, people should be having safe sex, until they know someone doesn't have HIV, or AN Other STI... then, if they do have HIV, they should continue having safe sex, even if they're circumcised and have a lower chance of contracting it [so, essentially, being circumcised shouldn't offer any extra protection from HIV infection, if people are informed about the risks of sex). Secondly, they can just decide to get circumcised before becoming sexually active. Thirdly, the fact that there's an x% improvement in one's odds doesn't mean that someone would want to be circumcised, considering the negatives [as people have mentioned, there's less sensitivity if circumcised, for example]... otherwise every adult would get circumcised, lol).

Personally i would hate to have circumcision done as an adult. Anyhow its besides the point, you may feel its unwarranted, others genuinely do. Deal with it.

Now there is evidence that circumcised men have the same degree of penis sensitivity as those who are uncircumcised. In a report from the Montefiore Medical Center to the American Urological Association this year no statistical difference was found between 43 uncircumcised and 36 circumcised men subjected to a variety of measures of sensitivity . These included response to vibration , pressure , spatial perception and warm and cold thermal thresholds.

Montefiore Medical Center to the American Urological Association -

As you can see from the above evidence uncircumcised and circumcised men share the exact same sensitivity, there in no dulling in sensation and hence no dulling in the pleasurability of sex.
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That explains the rubbish your spouting. So were you baptized, did you have a christening when you were born?

Baptism is has not even remotely the same potential for harm as circumcision, the symbolism and traditions that inform the customs may be comparable, but the practices themselves are entirely dissimilar.

You are simply undermining your own argument in favour of circumcision by making such spurious comparisons to begin with.

I have been doing a little light research on the origins of the custom and it seems that the practice is thought to have derived from Egyptian customs initially in identifying various Semitic Tribes in the period of Enslavement....Herodotus talks about the practice saying "Egyptians practice circumcision for the sake of cleanliness, considering it better to be cleanly than comely". It was probably also a Rite of Passage from Boyhood to Manhood, with David Gollaher referencing an ancient Egyptian account of circumcision:

"When I was circumcised, together with one hundred and twenty men...there was none thereof who hit out, there was none thereof who was hit, and there was none thereof who scratched and there was none thereof who was scratched"

this is attributed to an Egyptian taking part in a mass circumcision around the 23rd Century BC.

He continues to explain that the surrounding Semitic tribes probably adopted the practice as time went on and their cultures were influenced by the primacy of the Egyptians.

Andrew Kitchen and anthropologist from the University of Florida, Christopher Ehret a historian from UCLA cite the movement of Semitic Tribes from the Horn of Africa into the Levant at around this time and it seems that this is a likely explanation for one of the origins of the practice......

interestingly the Romans and the Seleucid's before them found the practice barbaric and banned it on pain of death, so the practice seems to have died out at some time as the peoples dispersed.

The religious argument is more complex from a Jewish perspective as it appears even the Halacha recognises that Circumcision has inherent risks as it allows a Mother who has lost a Child due to Circumcision to be excused do the same to future sons....this is despite the arguments of orthodox Jews that it is a fundamental requirement of the Covenant of is also thought that Moses was not circumcised and neither were the Jews who came out of the Desert.

There is also a modern interpretation called Brit b'li Milah which is basically Covenant without Cutting....this is supported by:

Levitcus 19:28: Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor imprint any marks upon you: I am the Lord.

Deut 14:1 Ye are the children of the Lord your God: ye shall not cut yourselves, nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead.

There is also practice allowed by Halacha called Hatifat Dam Berit which is the token shedding of a drop of blood in baby boys who cannot be circumcised for health reasons....this is accepted as being consistent with the Covenant.

It seems that for any covenant to be of meaning it must be entered into knowingly and this is obviously not happening in the Brit Milah, as it is ridiculous to suggest that an 8 day old child is capable of making the complex decision to enter into the covenant and as such it is invalid.

Further more if we consider the argument of tradition and custom as put forth in the Torah....there are many acts in the Torah that are traditionally punishable by death, yet they are no longer valid customs within Judaism, these include, but are not limited to:

"Lev 20:10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death. "

"Lev 20:13 And if a man lie with mankind, as with womankind, both of them have committed abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."

"Exod 21:17 And he that curseth his father or his mother, shall surely be put to death."

"Deut 21:18-21 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, that will not hearken to the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and though they chasten him, will not hearken unto them; 19
then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; 20
and they shall say unto the elders of his city: 'This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he doth not hearken to our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. 21And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die; so shalt thou put away the evil from the midst of thee; and all Israel shall hear, and fear."

Now Jews do not advocate killing homosexuals, adulterers or killing their children for disobeying them or calling them names....that would be the argument for the Custom is also a little weak.

There is also and most importantly some evidence that the total removal of the foreskin was not common practice until the Second Temple Period in an effort to prevent Hellenic Jews from hiding their status, also the ceremony has changed over time as the culture and idealism of people has changed...the Metzitzah for example is not practised anymore, at least not very often and it is seen as pretty obscene in the modern world even amongst orthodox Jews.

To finish it seems that the Yahwist Text of Genesis, which is one of the earliest texts dating to 597 BCE or thereabouts makes no mention of circumcision in the Covenant at all even thought the entire text relating to the Abraham Covenant is otherwise complete, so it can be argued that it is a later addition and this adds further support to the points I mentioned earlier.

And this is what I found out and surmised in around 30 minutes or so.....
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Why should you be allowed to impose those views on a minor, though? That still hasn't been answered. Just wait until the kid reaches the age of consent and allow them to decide for themselves, then everybody's happy

Because it is the parents responsibilty to whats best for his/her child. Who else is going to impose/instill decency and safety into thier child?

I suppose your like this woman then?

Sex IS a normal thing for most young people between the ages of 12 - 16. In some cases even younger.

(no one in here is saying circumcision is wrong... people are just saying it's wrong to impose that on a child who can't choose for themselves).

Oh have they really? Maybe you should go back and have a read.
Baptism doesn't create any lasting effects; even from a religious point of view, the child can choose not to be confirmed. I was baptised and I don't bear any ill will towards my parents for this, because to an atheist like me, it means precisely squat.

Me too. I was baptised and i actually have no idea why, neither of my parents are religious :confused: Couldn't care less though.
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