I don't find religion beyond comprehension at all. Religion is something that is very obvious and deliberate to me.
Regarding your medical benefits, of which I openly accept that there are as you have statistically proven, the flaw in your argument is that you present them as raw percentages. i.e. you're 50% less likely to get HIV from an unprotected sexual encounter. This doesn't actually become a real number till you apply the statistic to the real life situation at which stage you start dealing with actual numbers such as 1 in 5000. Offering a percentage argument doesn't actually mean anything until it is contextualised at which stage (in my opinion and in many others opinions) the numbers no longer support the mandatory foreskin removal at all.
My argument is that your argument does not hold up to the numbers and as a result it boils down to your primary reason which is... religion.
So as religion is the primary reason, please offer a logical and tangible reason as to why it makes sense to circumcise an infant?