I think we are quite close together in our opinion....I have seen some pretty horrific things done in the name of belief...I have also seen some amazing acts of bravery and sacrifice done in the name of belief....If we are to blame anyone, it should be the individual or even the organisation (if appropriate, such as criticising the Vatican over their stance in Africa) rather than judging religious belief as being predominantly negative. The difference between anti-clericalism and anti-religion is important I feel....
It is simply a reflection of human nature, and this is not surprising as organised religion is a product of man, not God.
Yep we seem to be fairly similar, although my opinions on all of this are far from concrete as I like to think I'm open to change. Where we differ is I think it's the legitimacy of unvalidated belief that sways me towards regarding religious belief as inherently wicked, from personal experience as well as from various reading. I guess it's almost like the distinction between murder and state sanctioned or sponsored murder - there's just something far worse about the latter, no matter how you phrase it.