Getting mud out of jeans

iCraig said:
I don't think, I know what it is.

It's a lubricating fluid that the penis secretes for itself, and for intercourse.
But it contains sperm so by that thinking it also contains semen
blitz2163 said:
But it contains sperm so by that thinking it also contains semen

No, it contains traces of sperm. Pre-ejeculate is created by its own gland. Semen is different and is produced elsewhere from other places within the system.
iCraig said:
No, it contains traces of sperm. Pre-ejeculate is created by its own gland. Semen is different and is produced elsewhere from other places within the system.

The juice the sperm swim in is from the Prostate isnt it?
How can mud stain?

modern washing powders are great, the only things taht stain are oils and grease.

Anyway try some vanish or other stain remove. Apply some and leave for a few hours then add some in the washing machine as well.
Zip said:
The juice the sperm swim in is from the Prostate isnt it?

Semen is created in seminal vesicle, some other gland, and the prostrate yes. Each one makes up a certain percentage of it.
Came back from Glastonbury with all my clothes covered in a thick layer of mud. Soaked them in the sink in Vanish diluted with hot water, then stuck them in the washing machine with 100ml of Vanish. All clean now.
Skyfall said:
lol what kind of mud was it?!

Bum mud :p

ive never found mud to stain. But if ever i get something on my clothes, i usually get most of it out asap and then wack it in the wash pile.
Bug One said:
OOps. Double dyslexic typing.

Fun = Rub.

must have been tilted on the keyboard when I fired that one out. :p

you'll have a dysfunctional penis if you rub it with swarfega ;)
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