Gigabyte GA_P35_DS3R feature altering my multiplier?

3 Feb 2007
I haven't overclocked a PC for a long time so I'm probably missing something very obvious. I have a Gigabyte GA_P35_DS3R mobo and have left the multiplier at 9 and upped the FSB to 270 on my Q6600, theoretically giving me a core speed of just over 2.4Ghz.
What I don't understand though is that CPU-Z shows that my FSB is up to 270 but my multiplier has been reduced to 6 so it's running at just over 1.6Ghz. This is obviously some kind of feature because as the multiplier is increased to 9 when the CPU is stressed. Is anybody aware of any way to turn this iff so I run at full speed continuously? Thanks!
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