I’m on the verge of ordering the Gigabyte 560Ti as it’s quiet and the rma is UK based – but during my research into the 560Ti I’ve come across a lot of threads about unstable ‘pre-overclocked’ cards and the ‘tdr issue’. Unfortunately, Gigabyte appeared in a lot in these threads - as did other cards.
I’ve also read conflicting reviews about whether the Gigabyte GeForce GTX 560Ti OC voltage is able to be tweaked (one review said it didn’t have the hardware option) – could someone in the know please clarify this?
Basically, is there a known on-going issue with the Gigabyte card (comparatively - when compared to MSI or ASUS) – and if there is have drivers or BIOS updates finally resolved the issue (googling again has given up conflicting results). And can you tweak the voltage with this particular model?
I’ve also read conflicting reviews about whether the Gigabyte GeForce GTX 560Ti OC voltage is able to be tweaked (one review said it didn’t have the hardware option) – could someone in the know please clarify this?
Basically, is there a known on-going issue with the Gigabyte card (comparatively - when compared to MSI or ASUS) – and if there is have drivers or BIOS updates finally resolved the issue (googling again has given up conflicting results). And can you tweak the voltage with this particular model?