Girls Aloud - I Think We're Alone Now.

Girls Aloud. I shouldn't like them but I do.

I don't get it. I can't stand the trash in the charts generally, certainly never girlgroups etc.

They must have a secret mind-weapon.
Gilly said:

They started off quite well, gone downhill massively recently.

Gillys gay.

I'm waiting for a decent Girls Aloud Greatest Hits DVD to come out to watch when the family go out.

Actually I know what Gilly's on about, their early stuff was really well written but they're just revamping old songs now. I was watching the old rock band BUDGIE at The Limelight and they have a massive screen in front of the stage before the bands come on. Somebody had put Love Machine on and it was quite surreal looking at about 400 ageing rockers completely entranced with Girls Aloud.
I just remembered that I spent close to an hour last night wooing someone via a shared love for Girls Aloud...


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