Giving up Nicotine

14 Nov 2012
Close to Swindon, but not Swindon
I have officially run out of vape juice and gone back to the nicorette chewing gum in an attempt to kerb my vaping habits. The plan is to stick out the gum for a few months and then drop it to remove the nicotine addiction completely.

Having previously quit smoking for 8 years, the breakup of my marriage back in 2015 saw me smoking again while I was in Turkey visiting my sister with family. Not really kicked it since then, but vaping did help and ended up being a replacement.

Has anyone else successfully (or unsuccessfully) managed to quit vaping and smoking? Intrigued by your stories, hardship and successes to being free of the addiction :)
I thought the whole point of vaping was to quit? Seem to have fallen at the 1st hurdle

Quit smoking yes, but the nicotine addiction is still there. The difference between smoking and vaping is quite clear, but with an increase of media stories regarding vaping and health issues, and as someone who suffers from health anxiety, it seemed like the sensible move.
Completely agree, but I thought one of the ideas behind vaping is to gradually buy refills that have weaker amounts of
nicotine, until you have weened yourself off vaping too

I'm sure there are lots of good ideas behind vaping but the more you do it, the more you want a bigger hit. Mouth to lung is the starting point, then direct to lung for bigger hits...doesn't exactly work too well unless you can settle on a decent M2L unit that gives you the hit you need. Then you can start reducing the nic quantity.

If I were you I'd focus on the fact that you did quit for 8 years, had a massive change in life events, but could probably put your mind to do it again because you've done it before for a very long time.

I don't think the vaping is helpful because it sounds like a crutch to me. I have zero experience of it so YMMV.

I'd put it to the curb, my dude, the whole lot. No smokes, no vaping, just get Frozen and let it go.

Yes! It was a feat that I'm proud of and it was only due to having 2 weeks off work, at the time, that enabled me to do this. Thankfully a new and less stressful job enables me to start again, but with vaping. Using the gum is convenient and means I can use it as and when I feel I need the Nicotine hit. Over time, that'll gradually reduce as I think less and less about it.
What strength is your e-juice? When i was vaping i used to make my own e-juice, and i found the easiest way was to just gradually decrease the amount of nicotine in the batches i made until it went to 0mg, and then a week or so on 0mg strength before stopping completely.

Also for me, i had to throw all of my vape gear in the bin after i stopped, as i subconsciously knew it was tucked away in a drawer ready to use if needed. Massive waste of money i know, but worked for me.

It was 3mg sub ohm. I tried 0 for a few days but i really struggled so put my nic shots back into the last bottle. Honestly, I think the gum replacement is the best thing for me at the moment. Just to take the edge off and reduce my intake. Then I can start skipping the gum later on.
Reason I said that was because it's the mentality a lot of addiction therapies prefer you adopt - Alcoholics, gambling, drugs, whatever: You're an addict. Just because you haven't drunk/smoked/done whatever in X years, doesn't mean you can relax your guard, drop your walls and retire your coping mechanisms.

It's funny you mention that actually. After 8 years of not smoking, it was easy to get back to it while drinking with friends and family with smokes on the table. Just pick one up, and light it.

Regardless of how long you've quit, I think there is still an element of addiction there. If this wasn't the case, then people wouldn't search for alternatives or pick it back up again.
Trust me buy Allan carr easyway to stop smoking.. Best thing ever

This is the best and easiest way to give up, no willpower needed

Thanks for the suggestion but I don't think a book is going to make this any easier. I've quit nicotine before and I can do it again.
Just need to stick with it.
Your complete loss, enjoy the struggle... You could have got audio book for free on audible and be making life easier

Until anyone understands Allan Carr's way don't judge its the easiest and fastest way to do it

Is it a complete loss though? I quit for 8 years before after having 2 weeks off work, I knew the job was stressful and I smoked to get out the office.

Currently in my 2nd day and I feel fine. I still take regular breaks at work, just don't vape during them.

I also can't stand the guy.
It's not by Allan Carr the comedian, it's by another person by the same name. :)

I would also recommend a book by Ben Goldacre called "Bad Science". It's got nothing to do with smoking or addiction, it's about the tactics employed by marketing to convince us of certain things. It's hard to explain, but I highly recommend it.

Good luck, I won't post much more as I've said all I can and don't want to come across as preaching.

Oh honestly mate, it's fine :) I don't mind you contributing. I think people work in different ways and I've never been one for reading books or the like to kerb habits. I normally get to a point in life where I decide that enough is enough. In this case, I feels like the right time and I started the thread out of curiosity about others who may have traveled a similar path.

I don't know if I'll go back to it yet, but it's not something that I intend to reverse. Habit is probably the worst part, like driving while vaping, breaks at work, driving to my Mrs in Surrey...just stuff that makes vaping easy or to help pass the time. If I regress, then I know its not the right time - but I'm conscious that it's something I wish to break.
I had the worst addiction as far as Nicotine goes. Nothing helped and the struggle I was going through was intolerable.

Patches, vapes all that is garbage.

But a friend recommended to me : Tabex. One pack of that and you are off, only willpower not to bounce back afterwards.

Totally disagree.

Vaping worked for me and I haven't smoked in 5-6 years now.

Currently on nic gum to break the vaping habbit and I've only have 1 piece of gum today, around 1030am.
Seems like you are just replacing one nicotine injection with another. What's next, patches to get off the nic gum ?

But hey, whatever works for you. Anything is better than cigarette smoke.

I think you're missing the point with your sarcasm...

Vaping is a substitute to smoking, both of which require you to inhale chemicals for your fix at the cost of damage your lungs.
The gum is just the nicotine hit without the need to inhale any form of smoke/vape, which I'm finding it easier to manage over vaping.
Then you have the habit side of things, the desire to pop out during work for a vape can be replaced by a short walk and nic're being unnecessarily judgemental.
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